
Volatility Dashboard

This indicator calculates and displays volatility metrics for a specified number of bars (rolling window) on a TradingView chart. It can be customized to display information in English or Thai and can position the dashboard at various locations on the chart.

  • Language: Users can choose between English ("ENG") and Thai ("TH") for the dashboard's language.
  • Dashboard Position: Users can specify where the dashboard should appear on the chart. Options include various positions such as "Bottom Right", "Top Center", etc.
  • Calculation Method: Currently, the script supports "High-Low" for volatility calculation. This method calculates the difference between the highest and lowest prices within a specified timeframe.
  • Bars: Number of bars used to calculate the volatility.

Display Logic
  • Fills the islast_vol_points array with the calculated volatility points.
  • Sets the table cells with headers and corresponding values:
    => Highest Volatility: The maximum value in the islast_vol_points array
    => Mean Volatility: The average value in the islast_vol_points array,
    => Lowest Volatility: The minimum value in the islast_vol_points array, Number of Bars: The rolling window size.


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