Time Bound Trading Sessions allows to add time bound conditions to your trading sessions given a date range, a time range and/or days of the week.
This indicator can be very handy if you want to control your trading sessions along those three time boundaries, applying them together and/or separately.
Feel free to reuse this code in your own strategy, and leverage the inSession condition as needed.
+ It allows for date range start and/or end to be set. + It allows for session time range to be set. + It allows for days of the week to be set. + It applies chart background color if we are not within the given time bound session parameters. + It includes turn on/off functionality.
Date Range + {Start} checkbox: turns on/off start date + {Start} date/time + {End} checkbox: turns on/off end date + {End} date/time
Time Range + {Session} checkbox: turns on/off session time range + {Session} time range