

Still in test mode
**UPDATE to include colour background BUY / SELL SIGNAL *** -
Double channel with double conformation of pivot / trend reversal
I have a similar concept to this running on MT4 which works quite well together.
Both channels can be customised by changing minutes, D , W , M
I haven't been able to test this out so feel free to do so yourself

Plz not that Im not a coder, But Im learning :)
The base of this code came from @RicardoSantos fib monthly ranges which I stripped out & modified and incorporated zigzag

Clean chart


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study("Vdub_Tetris_V0", overlay=true)
Sml_Channel_TF_mins_D_W_M = input("D")
Range = input(1)

SELL = security(tickerid, Sml_Channel_TF_mins_D_W_M, highest(Range))
BUY = security(tickerid, Sml_Channel_TF_mins_D_W_M, lowest(Range))

HI = plot(SELL, color=SELL!=SELL[1]?na:red,linewidth=4 )
LO = plot(BUY, color=BUY!=BUY[1]?na:green,linewidth=4 )
fill(HI, LO, color=aqua, transp=75)
Hcon = high >= SELL
Lcon = low <= BUY

plotshape(Hcon, style=shape.triangledown, color=maroon, location=location.abovebar, text='SELL')
plotshape(Lcon, style=shape.triangleup, color=green, location=location.belowbar, text='BUY')
range = SELL-BUY
Lrg_Channel_TF_mins_D_W_M = input('W')
M_HIGH = security(tickerid, Lrg_Channel_TF_mins_D_W_M, high)
M_LOW = security(tickerid, Lrg_Channel_TF_mins_D_W_M, low)
plot(M_HIGH, color=M_HIGH != M_HIGH[1] ?na:fuchsia, style=line, linewidth=2)
plot(M_LOW, color=M_LOW != M_LOW[1] ?na:fuchsia, style=line, linewidth=2)
length = input(2)
hls = rma(hl2, length)
isRising = hls >= hls[1]

zigzag1 = isRising and not isRising[1] ? lowest(length) :  not isRising and isRising[1] ? highest(length) : na
plot(zigzag1, color=black)

Zigzag2 = input(true)
zigzag = Hcon ? high : Lcon ? low : na
plot(not Zigzag2 ? na : zigzag, color=red, style=line, linewidth=3) 
