
Naked Put - Growth Indicator v2

8 568
Making this open source and includes an alert that you can set for your favorite stocks. I get browser alerts and alerts on my iphone/tradingview app.

DISCLAIMER: Do NOT follow this strategy unless you are aware of the risks of selling naked options.

1) I have identified 20 companies with 30%+ YoY revenue growth (using the most recent quarter) and minimum "average trading volume": NVTA,TWLO, ROKU, SHOP, MDB, SQ, AYX, NVDA, FSLY, VEEV, MELI, PINS, TEAM, RNG, TTD, HUBS, ZEN, etc. I like companies that fit this criteria because 30%+ revenue growth means their revenue double every ~2.5 year and their "market cap" is based on their revenue.
2) When you see a green "$" icon above a candle on a DAILY chart , that means it's a good time to "sell naked puts" using the solid green line as the approximate "strike price". I prefer 3-9 months until expiration and "stagger" my expirations so it's not possible for everything to be put to me all at once.
3) I use a "minimum premium" and "max contracts" that I sell that suits my risk tolerance, you will need to calculate your own contract size based on your risk tolerance.

*NOTE: This only works on a DAILY chart , and only works on the companies identified above -- if you are using intraday, weekly or monthly, the "$" signs do NOT appear.

RISK NOTE: I do NOT sell any naked puts unless I am 100% ready to own the shares AND have enough capital in my account if they are put to me, you should do the same. Don't follow this strategy unless you are prepared to OWN shares at expiration.

1) Click the "Add to Favorite Scripts" button
2) Go to a stock chart and click the "Indicators" icon at the top
3) Next, on the left, click the "Favorites" and then click the "Naked Put - Growth Indicator v2"
4) It should appear on your charts, and you can click the "gear" icon on the study to edit a few settings.
5) Read the release notes above so you understand how it works.
upgrading from pine v3 to v4

