
Overlay Mini Plot(s) of Correlated Asset(s)

9 726
Overlay a small plot of a correlated asset of your choosing. Shrink/expand, Set vertical and horizontal position, plot multiple mini-plots via duplicate indicators with varied settings.

Plots the last X bars of any asset; including the live candle currently painting
Useful for low time frame trading when you want to see correlated asset price movement right alongside the price movement you're watching.
Useful for quick and simple comparisons; when you don't want the clutter of split screen or multi-pane view.
Useful for backtesting.
Price scale agnostic; just plots the shape of the recent price action, with several optional labels: Asset+timeframe | Live Price | Highest price over X bars | Lowest price over X bars.
Works fine with all the assets i've tested it on.

~~User inputs~~
-number of bars to paint.
-horizontal offset: plot to right X bars or to left X bars
-vertical offset: shift up or down, shrink or expand; by using 2 'spacer' inputs
-color/transparancy of candles and price labels.
-width (pixels) of candle bodies.
-choose to display price labels or not
-choose to display asset label or not

--Add several of these indicators; changing the vertical 'Shift/Shrink' settings on each to visually separate them.
--In the above chart or EurUsd, there are three indicators =>> three mini-plots overlaid: DXY, EurGbp and GbpUsd. Using the following settings for Space Above:Space Below: DXY- 0.1:4.5 | EurGbp- 1.8:1.8 | GbpUsd- 4.5:0.1
--the more you add, the more you'll have to vertically shrink the plots
© twingall
fixed rounding issue with live price label printed price: now shows appropriate significant figures
-updated to show multi timeframe: User select higher timeframe. Note that when using HTF option this will only plot 10 bars
-updated some names/titles for clarity
-update chart to show multi-timeframe
(cleaned up, removed old code)
-add option to auto plot on current ticker symbol
Choose vertical position (top/middle/bottom)
Cleaned up settings panel, added groups
-added option to show / not show mini plots when base asset market is closed (i.e. backtesting use-case Vs live trading use-case )

