Yet another script to help people set the Addon PT Feeder for a trading bot Profit Trailer. Same rule applies if you do not own this the following explanation will not help you.
- Add the script to your favourites - Edit Minutes for short term and long term for both indicators - Set candle size you are using default is 5 Minutes
HighLowPricePercentage (Source PT Feeder Wiki) "This is a property to try and check the variance of the price from the norm and is over the MinutesToMeasureTrend time window. The math is:
LongerTermHighLowPricePercentage (Source PT Feeder Wiki) "This is a property to try and check the variance of the price from the norm and is over the LongerTermMinutesToMeasureTrend time window. The math is the same as the HighLowPricePercentage".