Difference % between PRICE and VWAP V2

Shows difference between price and daily/weekly/monthly/hourly/whatever VWAP.
In v2:
option to color bars
average percentual difference of custom period
histogram changes color depending on which levels it's at
Levels/period/color etc can be customized.

Use these inputs in the timeframe box:
M - month
W - week
D - day
2D (or 3W or 2M or whatever) = 2 Days (or three week or 2 months and so on)
60= 1 H
240= 4 H
5 = 5 min
and so on.

btw, vaguely remembering reading somewhere that the big players like to make their entry at 4% difference.
differencepercentVolume Weighted Average Price (VWAP)


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