Sector relative strength and correlation by Kaschko

This script provides a quick overview of the relative strength and correlation of the symbols in a sector by showing a line chart of the close prices on a percent scale with all symbols starting at zero at the left side of the chart. It allows a great deal of flexibility in the configuration of the sectors and symbols in it. The standard preset sectors cover the most important futures markets and their symbols.

However, up to ten sectors with up to ten symbols each can be freely configured. Each sector is defined by a single line that has the following format:

Sector name:Symbol suffix:List of comma separated symbols

For example, the first predefined sector is defined as follows.


1. The name of the sector is "Energies"
2. The suffix is "1!", i.e., to each symbol in the list "1!" is appended to get the continous future for the given symbol root. When using stock, forex or other symbols, simply leave the suffix empty.
3. The list of comma separated symbols is "CL,HO,NG,RB", i.e. crude oil, heating oil, natural gas and gasoline. As the suffix is "1!", the actual symbols whose prices are shown are "CL1!","HO1!","NG1!" and "RB1!"

You can choose to use settlement-as-close and back-adjusted contracts. The sector can also be determined automatically ("Auto-select"). In this case, it is determined to which sector the symbol currently displayed in the main chart belongs and the script displays it in the context of the other symbols in the sector.

By selecting a suitable chart time frame and time range, you can quickly determine which symbols in the sector are stronger or weaker and which are more or less strongly correlated.

The following symbols are best suited for a quick trial, as the sectors are preset for these:


You can also use the script to compare any symbols (e.g. different shares) with each other. Preferably use the "Custom" sector for this.
Introduction of alias names for symbols of a sector

A sector is defined as follows. Aliases and the symbol suffix are optional.

Sector name:Symbol suffix:Comma separated list of Symbol[Alias]


This defines the sector "Energies" using continous futures contracts of crude oil,heating oil,natural gas and gasoline

This defines the sector "Currencies" using various currency indices, creating a simple currency strength meter
comparisoncorrelationcurrencyrelativeRelative Strength Comparisonsectorsectorsstrengthweakness


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