
Options Theoritcal Price

11 102
This script is useful as a quick glance for checking the theoritcal price of the Call and Put option strike.
Spot price is automatically derived from live market.
Enter the strike price and IV value.
For NSE stocks, use 6% as risk free rate if not sure.
Added options for another strike CE and PE theoritical premiums and made an the Spot Price as an Input for user instead of taking from Last Traded Price. User can manually input LTP if he/she wants to see the premiums as per Live market spot price.
With this you can theoretically calculate that what if price opens at some value next value (gap up/down) then what would be the options price assuming a IV value. In this example, I have shown what if tomorrow BN opens up at 44,300 then what would be the premium of 44500 and 45000 strike CE and PE respectively.
Added Table Position as an Input
Added CALL and PUT Spreads Premium, Straddles and Strangles Premiums.

