
Now_n_Future base on Kumo cloud of Ichimoku Kinki Hyo system with detail below:
1. The Now Line
- When price moving above Kumo, color of now line is green.
- When price moving below Kumo, color of now line is red.
- When price moving inside Kumo, color of now line is gray.
- When price go into Kumo, now line appear gray dot.
- When price cross over Kumo, now line appear green dot.
- When price cross under Kumo, now line appear red dot.

2. The Future Line
- When Senkou Span A moving above Senkou Span B, color of future line is green.
- When Senkou Span A moving below Senkou Span B, color of future line is red.
- When Senkou Span A cross over Senkou Span B, future line appear green dot.
- When Senkou Span A cross under Senkou Span B, future line appear red dot.

3. Trading
- When color of both now line and future line is green, consider open Long position or close Short position.
- When color of both now line and future line is red, consider open Short position or close Long position.
Add the Past Line.
* Base on Chikou Line in Ichimoku Kinko Hyo System, the Past Line was build with rule as below:
- Past Line is green: Chikou Span moving above 3 line: price, tenkan-sen, kijun-sen
- Past Line is gray: Chikou Span moving between 3 line price, tenkan-sen, kijun-sen
- Past Line is red: Chikou Span moving below 3 line: price, tenkan-sen, kijun-sen
* Add Arrow.
1. Arrow Up appear when all Lines change to green.
2. Arrow Down appear when all Lines change to red.
* Add Location of Kumo where Arrow appear.
1. Arrow Up location option:
- Green Kumo mean Arrow only apear when price moving above Green Kumo
- Red Kumo mean Arrow only appear when price moving above Red Kumo
- Both mean Arrow not depend on location between price and kumo
- By default Arrow Up opion is Red Kumo
2. Arrow Down location option:
- Green Kumo mean Arrow only apear when price moving below Green Kumo
- Red Kumo mean Arrow only appear when price moving below Red Kumo
- Both mean Arrow not depend on location between price and kumo
- By default Arrow Down opion is Green Kumo
Ichimoku CloudichimokukinkohyoTrend Analysis


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