
COT (Legacy): Reportable Interest Change

Change in Open Interest for all reportable traders from legacy commitment of traders (COT) report. For the main symbol but also allows to override it. Also allows to include options in consideration.

本着真正的TradingView精神,该脚本的作者将其开源发布,以便交易者可以理解和验证它。为作者喝彩!您可以免费使用它,但在出版物中重复使用此代码受网站规则的约束。 您可以收藏它以在图表上使用。



study("Reportable Interest Change", shorttitle="Rep Int Chg", precision=0)
force_root = input("", title="Override Product")
is_includeoptions = input(false, type=bool, title="Include Options")

fxroot =
	  ticker == "USDCAD" ? "CD" : 
	  ticker == "USDCAD" ? "CD" : 
	  ticker == "USDCHF" ? "SF" : 
	  ticker == "USDCZK" ? "CZ" : 
	  ticker == "USDHUF" ? "FR" : 
	  ticker == "USDILS" ? "IS" : 
	  ticker == "USDJPY" ? "JY" : 
	  ticker == "USDMXN" ? "MP" : 
	  ticker == "USDNOK" ? "UN" : 
	  ticker == "USDPLN" ? "PZ" : 
	  ticker == "USDRUB" ? "RU" : 
	  ticker == "USDSEK" ? "SE" : 
	  ticker == "USDZAR" ? "RA" : 
	  ticker == "EURUSD" ? "EC" : 
	  ticker == "AUDUSD" ? "AD" : 
	  ticker == "GBPUSD" ? "BP" : 
	  ticker == "NZDUSD" ? "NE" : 
	  ticker == "BRLUSD" ? "BR" : 
root = force_root == "" ? fxroot == "" ? syminfo.root : fxroot : force_root
code = root + (is_includeoptions ? "_FO" : "_F") + "_L_CHG"

is_inversed = 
	  ticker == "USDCAD" ? true : 
	  ticker == "USDCAD" ? true : 
	  ticker == "USDCHF" ? true : 
	  ticker == "USDCZK" ? true : 
	  ticker == "USDHUF" ? true : 
	  ticker == "USDILS" ? true : 
	  ticker == "USDJPY" ? true : 
	  ticker == "USDMXN" ? true : 
	  ticker == "USDNOK" ? true : 
	  ticker == "USDPLN" ? true : 
	  ticker == "USDRUB" ? true : 
	  ticker == "USDSEK" ? true : 
	  ticker == "USDZAR" ? true : 

long_total = security("QUANDL:CFTC/"+code+"|6", "D", close) 
short_total = security("QUANDL:CFTC/"+code+"|7", "D", close) 

long = is_inversed ? short_total : long_total
short = is_inversed ? long_total : short_total

plot(long, color = green, title="Long")
plot(short, color = red, title="Short")
plot(long-short, color = yellow, title="Net", style=histogram)
hline(0, color=yellow, linestyle=dashed)