Machine Learning: Trend Pulse⚠️❗ Important Limitations: Due to the way this script is designed, it operates specifically under certain conditions:
Stocks & Forex : Only compatible with timeframes of 8 hours and above ⏰
Crypto : Only works with timeframes starting from 4 hours and higher ⏰
❗Please note that the script will not work on lower timeframes.❗
Feature Extraction : It begins by identifying a window of past price changes. Think of this as capturing the "mood" of the market over a certain period.
Distance Calculation : For each historical data point, it computes a distance to the current window. This distance measures how similar past and present market conditions are. The smaller the distance, the more similar they are.
Neighbor Selection : From these, it selects 'k' closest neighbors. The variable 'k' is a user-defined parameter indicating how many of the closest historical points to consider.
Price Estimation : It then takes the average price of these 'k' neighbors to generate a forecast for the next stock price.
Z-Score Scaling: Lastly, this forecast is normalized using the Z-score to make it more robust and comparable over time.
histCap (Historical Cap) : histCap limits the number of past bars the script will consider. Think of it as setting the "memory" of model—how far back in time it should look.
sampleSpeed (Sampling Rate) : sampleSpeed is like a time-saving shortcut, allowing the script to skip bars and only sample data points at certain intervals. This makes the process faster but could potentially miss some nuances in the data.
winSpan (Window Size) : This is the size of the "snapshot" of market data the script will look at each time. The window size sets how many bars the algorithm will include when it's measuring how "similar" the current market conditions are to past conditions.
All these variables help to simplify and streamline the k-NN model, making it workable within limitations. You could see them as tuning knobs, letting you balance between computational efficiency and predictive accuracy.
Hybrid EMA AlgoLearner⭕️Innovative trading indicator that utilizes a k-NN-inspired algorithmic approach alongside traditional Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) for more nuanced analysis. While the algorithm doesn't actually employ machine learning techniques, it mimics the logic of the k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) methodology. The script takes into account the closest 'k' distances between a short-term and long-term EMA to create a weighted short-term EMA. This combination of rule-based logic and EMA technicals offers traders a more sophisticated tool for market analysis.
⭕️Foundational EMAs: The script kicks off by generating a 50-period short-term EMA and a 200-period long-term EMA. These EMAs serve a dual purpose: they provide the basic trend-following capability familiar to most traders, akin to the classic EMA 50 and EMA 200, and set the stage for more intricate calculations to follow.
⭕️k-NN Integration: The indicator distinguishes itself by introducing k-NN (k-Nearest Neighbors) logic into the mix. This machine learning technique scans prior market data to find the closest 'neighbors' or distances between the two EMAs. The 'k' closest distances are then picked for further analysis, thus imbuing the indicator with an added layer of data-driven context.
⭕️Algorithmic Weighting: After the k closest distances are identified, they are utilized to compute a weighted EMA. Each of the k closest short-term EMA values is weighted by its associated distance. These weighted values are summed up and normalized by the sum of all chosen distances. The result is a weighted short-term EMA that packs more nuanced information than a simple EMA would.