ZigZag LibraryThis is yet another ZigZag library.
🔵 Key Features
1. Lightning-Fast Performance : Optimized code ensures minimal lag and swift chart updates.
2. Real-Time Swing Detection : No more waiting for swings to finalize! This library continuously identifies the latest swing formation.
3. Amplitude-Aware : Discover significant swings earlier, even if they haven't reached the standard bar length.
4. Customizable Visualization : Draw ZigZag on-demand using polylines for a tailored analysis experience.
Stay tuned for more features as this library is being continuously enhanced. For the latest updates, please refer to the release information.
// Import this library. Remember to check the latest version of this library and replace the version number below.
import algotraderdev/zigzag/1 as zz
// Initialize the ZigZag instance.
var zz.ZigZag zig = zz.ZigZag.new().init(
swingLen = 5,
lineColor = color.blue,
lineStyle = line.style_solid,
lineWidth = 1))
// Analyze the ZigZag using the latest bar's data.
// Draw the ZigZag.
if barstate.islast
series_collectionLibrary "series_collection"
A personal collection of commonly used series types like moving averages that are supported directly by
the pinescript library ('ALMA', 'DEMA', 'EMA', 'HMA', 'RMA', 'SMA', 'SWMA', 'VWMA', 'WMA'), highest and lowest source,
median and pivots. One single function (with overloads) that can be configured easily by the user input and can be
used as a core piece of functionality for many user cases. This library was created to abstract away and re-use this
commonly used functionality in my "Two MA Signal Indicator" script and the "Template Trailing Strategy" script. Both
of them use the "two_ma_logic" for defining entry and exit signals. While this piece of work does not contain any
novel mathematical expressions and just adds a convinient (and configurable) way to do things, I hope that might add
value to other scripts as well and future projects.
cust_series(length, seriesType, source)
cust_series - Calculate the custom series of the given source for the given length and type
length (simple int) : - The length of the custom series
seriesType (simple string) : - The type of the custom series
source (float) : - The source of the values
Returns: - The resulting value of the calculations of the custom series
cust_series(length, seriesType, source)
cust_series - Calculate the custom series of the given source for the given length and type
length (simple float) : - The length of the custom series (ceiled)
seriesType (simple string) : - The type of the custom series
source (float) : - The source of the values
Returns: - The resulting value of the calculations of the custom series
lib_zigLibrary "lib_zig"
Object oriented implementation of ZigZag
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
date_format (simple string)
method update(this)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
method draw(this, colors)
Namespace types: Zigzag
this (Zigzag)
colors (PivotColors type from robbatt/lib_pivot/19)
max_pivots (series__integer)
hldata (|robbatt/lib_pivot/19;HLData|#OBJ)
pivots (array__|robbatt/lib_pivot/19;Pivot|#OBJ)
lib_pivotLibrary "lib_pivot"
Object oriented implementation of Pivot methods.
method tostring(this)
Converts HLData to a json string representation
Namespace types: HLData
this (HLData) : HLData
Returns: string representation of Pivot
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
date_format (simple string)
method tostring(this, date_format)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
date_format (simple string)
method get_color(this, mode)
Namespace types: PivotColors
this (PivotColors)
mode (int)
method get_label_text(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
method direction(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
method same_direction_as(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method exceeds(this, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
price (float)
method exceeds(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method exceeded_by(this, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
price (float)
method exceeded_by(this, other)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
other (Pivot)
method retracement_ratio(this, lastPivot, sec_lastPivot)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
lastPivot (Pivot)
sec_lastPivot (Pivot)
ratio_target(sec_lastPivot, lastPivot, target_ratio)
sec_lastPivot (Pivot)
lastPivot (Pivot)
target_ratio (float)
method update(this, ref_highest, ref_lowest)
Namespace types: HLData
this (HLData)
ref_highest (float)
ref_lowest (float)
method update(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price, prev)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
prev (Pivot)
method create_next(this, bar_time, bar_idx, price)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
bar_time (int)
bar_idx (int)
price (float)
HLData wraps the data received from ta.highest, ta.highestbars, ta.lowest, ta.lowestbars, as well as the reference sources
length (series int) : lookback length for pivot points
highest_offset (series int) : offset to highest value bar
lowest_offset (series int) : offset to lowest value bar
highest (series float) : highest value within lookback bars
lowest (series float) : lowest value within lookback bars
new_highest (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new highest high at the last (current) bar of set period (length)
new_lowest (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new lowest low at the last (current) bar of set period (length)
new_highest_fractal (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new fractal high at the center of set period (length)
new_lowest_fractal (series bool) : update() will set this true if the current candle forms a new fractal low at the center of set period (length)
Pivot colors for different modes
hh (series color) : Color for Pivot mode 2 (HH)
lh (series color) : Color for Pivot mode 1 (LH)
hl (series color) : Color for Pivot mode -1 (HL)
ll (series color) : Color for Pivot mode -2 (LL)
Pivot additional pivot data around basic Point
point (Point type from robbatt/lib_plot_objects/5)
mode (series int) : can be -2/-1/1/2 for LL/HL/LH/HH
price_movement (series float) : The price difference between this and the previous pivot point in the opposite direction
retracement_ratio (series float) : The ratio between this price_movement and the previous
prev (Pivot)
lib_trackingLibrary "lib_tracking"
tracking highest and lowest with anchor point to track over dynamic periods, e.g. to track a Session HH/LL live and get the bar/time of the LTF wick that matches the HTF HH/LL
// why anchored replacements for ta.highest / ta.highestbars / ta.lowest / ta.lowestbars:
// 1. they require a fixed length/lookback which makes it easier to calculate, but
// 2. this prevents us from tracking the HH/LL of a changing timeframe, e.g. live tracking the HH/LL of a running session or unfinished higher timeframe
// 3. tracking with anchor/start/reset flag allows to persist values until the next start/reset, so no other external storage is required
track_highest(value, reset, track_this_bar)
value (float)
reset (bool) : boolean flag to restart tracking from this point (a.k.a anchor)
track_this_bar (bool) : allows enabling and disabling of tracking, e.g. before a session starts or after it ends, values can be kept until next reset.
track_lowest(value, reset, track_this_bar)
value (float)
reset (bool) : boolean flag to restart tracking from this point (a.k.a anchor)
track_this_bar (bool) : allows enabling and disabling of tracking, e.g. before a session starts or after it ends, values can be kept until next reset.
track_hl_htf(htf, value_high, value_low)
htf (string) : the higher timeframe in pinescript string notation
value_high (float)
value_low (float)
PivotLibrary "Pivot"
This library helps you store and manage pivots.
bias(isHigh, isHigher, prevWasHigher)
Helper function to calculate bias.
isHigh (bool) : (bool) Wether the pivot is a pivot high or not.
isHigher (bool) : (bool) Wether the pivot is a higher pivot or not.
@return (bool) The bias (true = bullish, false = bearish, na = neutral).
prevWasHigher (bool)
bias (bool)
biasToColor(bias, theme)
bias (bool)
theme (Theme)
nameString(isHigh, isHigher)
isHigh (bool)
isHigher (bool)
abbrString(isHigh, isHigher)
isHigh (bool)
isHigher (bool)
tooltipString(y, isHigh, isHigher, bias, theme)
y (float)
isHigh (bool)
isHigher (bool)
bias (bool)
theme (Theme)
createLabel(x, y, isHigh, isHigher, prevWasHigher, settings)
x (int)
y (float)
isHigh (bool)
isHigher (bool)
prevWasHigher (bool)
settings (Settings)
new(x, y, isHigh, isHigher, settings)
x (int)
y (float)
isHigh (bool)
isHigher (bool)
settings (Settings)
newArray(size, initialValue)
size (int)
initialValue (Pivot)
method getFirst(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
method getLast(this, isHigh)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
isHigh (bool)
method getLastHigh(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
method getLastLow(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
method getPrev(this, numBack, isHigh)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
numBack (int)
isHigh (bool)
method getPrevHigh(this, numBack)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
numBack (int)
method getPrevLow(this, numBack)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
numBack (int)
method getText(this)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
method setX(this, value)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
value (int)
method setY(this, value)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
value (float)
method setXY(this, x, y)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
x (int)
y (float)
method setBias(this, value)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
value (int)
method setColor(this, value)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
value (color)
method setText(this, value)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot)
value (string)
method add(this, pivot)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
pivot (Pivot)
method updateLast(this, y, settings)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
y (float)
settings (Settings)
method update(this, y, isHigh, settings)
Namespace types: Pivot
this (Pivot )
y (float)
isHigh (bool)
settings (Settings)
Stores Pivot data.
x (series int)
y (series float)
isHigh (series bool)
isHigher (series bool)
bias (series bool)
lb (series label)
Attributes for customizable look and feel.
size (series string)
colorDefault (series color)
colorNeutral (series color)
colorBullish (series color)
colorBearish (series color)
colored (series bool)
showTooltips (series bool)
showTooltipName (series bool)
showTooltipValue (series bool)
showTooltipBias (series bool)
All settings for the pivot.
theme (Theme)
fontilabLibrary "fontilab"
Provides function's indicators for pivot - trend - resistance.
pivots(src, lenght, isHigh) Detecting pivot points (and returning price + bar index.
src : The chart we analyse.
lenght : Used for the calcul.
isHigh : lookging for high if true, low otherwise.
Returns: The bar index and the price of the pivot.
calcDevThreshold(tresholdMultiplier, closePrice) Calculate deviation threshold for identifying major swings.
tresholdMultiplier : Usefull to equilibrate the calculate.
closePrice : Close price of the chart wanted.
Returns: The deviation threshold.
calcDev(basePrice, price) Custom function for calculating price deviation for validating large moves.
basePrice : The reference price.
price : The price tested.
Returns: The deviation.
pivotFoundWithLines(dev, isHigh, index, price, dev_threshold, isHighLast, pLast, iLast, lineLast) Detecting pivots that meet our deviation criteria.
dev : The deviation wanted.
isHigh : The type of pivot tested (high or low).
index : The Index of the pivot tested.
price : The chart price wanted.
dev_threshold : The deviation treshold.
isHighLast : The type of last pivot.
pLast : The pivot price last.
iLast : Index of the last pivot.
lineLast : The lst line.
Returns: The Line and bool is pivot High.
getDeviationPivots(thresholdMultiplier, depth, lineLast, isHighLast, iLast, pLast, deleteLines, closePrice, highPrice, lowPrice) Get pivot that meet our deviation criteria.
thresholdMultiplier : The treshold multiplier.
depth : The depth to calculate pivot.
lineLast : The last line.
isHighLast : The type of last pivot
iLast : Index of the last pivot.
pLast : The pivot price last.
deleteLines : If the line are draw or not.
closePrice : The chart close price.
highPrice : The chart high price.
lowPrice : The chart low price.
Returns: All pivot the informations.
getElIntArrayFromEnd() Get the last element of an int array.
getElFloatArrayFromEnd() Get the last element of an float array.
getElBoolArrayFromEnd() Get the last element of a bool array.
isTrendContinuation(isTrendUp, arrayBounds, lastPrice, precision) Check if last price is between bounds array.
isTrendUp : Is actual trend up.
arrayBounds : The trend array.
lastPrice : The pivot Price that just be found.
precision : The percent we add to actual bounds to validate a move.
Returns: na if price is between bounds, true if continuation, false if not.
getTrendPivots(trendBarIndexes, trendPrices, trendPricesIsHigh, interBarIndexes, interPrices, interPricesIsHigh, isTrendHesitate, isTrendUp, trendPrecision, pLast, iLast, isHighLast) Function to update array and trend related to pivot trend interpretation.
trendBarIndexes : The array trend bar index.
trendPrices : The array trend price.
trendPricesIsHigh : The array trend is high.
interBarIndexes : The array inter bar index.
interPrices : The array inter price.
interPricesIsHigh : The array inter ishigh.
isTrendHesitate : The actual status of is trend hesitate.
isTrendUp : The actual status of is trend up.
trendPrecision : The var precision to add in "iscontinuation" function.
pLast : The last pivot price.
iLast : The last pivot bar index.
isHighLast : The last pivot "isHigh".
Returns: trend & inter arrays, is trend hesitate, is trend up.
drawBoundLines(startIndex, startPrice, endIndex, endPrice, breakingPivotIndex, breakingPivotPrice, isTrendUp) Draw bounds and breaking line of the trend.
startIndex : Index of the first bound line.
startPrice : Price of first bound line.
endIndex : Index of second bound line.
endPrice : price of second bound line.
breakingPivotIndex : The breaking line index.
breakingPivotPrice : The breaking line price.
isTrendUp : The actual status of the trend.
Returns: The lines bounds and breaking line.
PivotThis library was designed to create three different datasets using Bill Williams fractals. The goal is to spot trends in reversal data and ultimately use these datasets to help predict future price reversals.
First, the pivot() function is used to initialize and populate three separate arrays (high pivot , low pivot , all pivots ). Since each high/low price depends on the bar_index, the bar_index, pivot direction(high/low), and high/low values are compressed into a string to maintain the data's integrity ("__"). Once each string array is populated and organized by bar_index, all three are returned inside a tuple. The return value must be deconstructed H,L,A =pivot() for each array's values to be accessed using getPivot() . This boilerplate allows for data to be accessed more efficiently in a recursive environment. getPivot() was designed to be used inside of a for or while block to populate matrices for further analyses. Again, getPivot() return values must be exposed through deconstruction. x,d,y =getPivot(). See code for more details.
pivot(int XLR) initializes and populates arrays
XLR - number of bars to the left and right that must be lower for a high to be considered a pivotHigh, or vice versa. This number will drastically change the size and scope of the returned datasets. smaller values will produce much larger datasets, which might model short term price activity well. In contrast, larger values will produce smaller datasets which might model longer term price activity well.
Returns - tuple [string ]
getPivot(string arrayID, int index) accesses array data
arrayID - the variable name for one of the three arrays returned by pivot().
index - the index of the provided array, with 0 being the most recent pivot point. can be set to " i " in a loop to access values recursively
Returns - tuple
OscillatorPivotsLibrary "OscillatorPivots"
Measures pivots in an oscillator and flags if they are above a configurable size. Uses absolute size rather than just highest/lowest in a candle range.
Uses the total change in the Y axis, instead of a simple Williams pivot over a defined number of bars. In other words, it measures the size of the actual pivot, not just whether it happens to be the highest/lowest value in a range.
Measures the absolute, cumulative change both before and after the pivot, to avoid flagging mere kinks in trends.
The advantage is that absolute pivot size is, in some cases, precisely what we care about. A disadvantage is that it can take an arbitrary, perhaps long, time to confirm.
You can configure the threshold size of the pivot so that it finds large or small pivots.
Always returns a pivot high after a pivot low, then another pivot high and so on, in order. It never returns a high followed by a high, which simple indicators based on the ta.pivot() function can do.
@param chart_H_1 This must always be set to 1, unless you are using my HighTimeframeTiming library, in which case set it to the output of the function for a _HTF_H of 1.
@param chart_H_2 This must always be set to 2, unless you are using my HighTimeframeTiming library, in which case set it to the output of the function for a _HTF_H of 2.
@param _osc This is the oscillator float value.
@param _oscPivotSize This is the user setting for what counts as a big enough change to be a pivot.
@returns Information about the pivot that is likely to be useful in further calculations:
confirmPeak, confirmDip - whether the pivot was confirmed this bar
peakBarsBack, dipBarsBack - how many bars ago the actual peak or dip was
peakPrice, dipPrice - the value of the oscillator at the peak/dip
It also returns some internal variables, which are plotted in this library only for an understanding of how the function works.
debug_peakStartLevel, debug_dipStartLevel - The level of the currently active peak/dip
Pivots libraryLibrary "Pivots"
TODO: add library description here
pivots(_type, _open, _high, _low, _clsoe) Calculates the pivot point and returns its value.
_type : Specifies the type of pivot point.
_open : The open price
_high : The high price
_low : The low price
_clsoe : The close price
Returns: Returns the value of the calculated pivot point as a tuple.
cpr(_high, _low, _clsoe) Calculate the Central Pivot Range
_high : The high price
_low : The low price
_clsoe : The close price
Returns: Returns the values as a tuple.
htf_ohlc(_htf) Calculate the HTF values
_htf : Resolution
Returns: Returns the values as a tuple.
PivotPointsDailyTraditionalLibrary "PivotPointsDailyTraditional"
Provides the traditional daily pivot values and a pivot vacinity function.
P(level, daysPrior) Returns the P value.
level : The level to caclulate.
daysPrior : The number of days in the past to do the calculation.
R(level, daysPrior) Calculates the R value for a given pivot level.
level : The level to caclulate.
daysPrior : The number of days in the past to do the calculation.
S(level, daysPrior) Calculates the S value for a given pivot level.
level : The level to caclulate.
daysPrior : The number of days in the past to do the calculation.
vacinity(value, daysPrior, maxLevel) Returns a value representing where the provided value is in relation to each pivot level.
value : The value to compare against.
daysPrior : The number of days in the past to do the calculation.
maxLevel : The maximum number of pivot levels to include.