Stock Intrinsic Value & MOS IndicatorStock Intrinsic Value and MOS Indicator is a powerful tool that can help investors to evaluate the potential value of a particular stock. By taking into account key financial metrics such as earnings per share, price-to-earnings ratio, and dividend yield, this indicator provides a comprehensive analysis of a company's fundamentals, and can be used to estimate its intrinsic value.
To use this indicator, simply input the relevant financial metrics for the stock you're interested in from Yahoo finance, including the P/E ratio, earnings per share, and dividend yield. The indicator will then calculate the stock's intrinsic value based on these inputs, taking into account the company's earnings potential and dividend payments.
In addition to calculating the intrinsic value, the Stock Intrinsic Value and MOS Indicator also allows investors to add a margin of safety to their analysis, which can help to account for unexpected market events or uncertainties. By adding a margin of safety of 20% - 30%, for example, investors can ensure that they are buying the stock at a significant discount to its intrinsic value, providing a cushion against potential losses.
Using the Stock Intrinsic Value and MOS Indicator can be a valuable tool for investors looking to make informed decisions about their investments. By taking into account key financial metrics and adding a margin of safety, investors can be more confident in their investment decisions, and can potentially maximize their returns over the long-term.
However, it's important to remember that the Stock Intrinsic Value and MOS Indicator is just one tool among many that investors can use to evaluate potential investments. As with any investment strategy, it's important to conduct thorough research and analysis before making any investment decisions. Additionally, it's important to keep in mind that no investment strategy is foolproof, and that even the most well-informed investment decisions can still result in losses.
Overall, the Stock Intrinsic Value and MOS Indicator can be a valuable tool for investors looking to evaluate potential investments and make informed decisions about their portfolio. By using this indicator in combination with other tools and strategies, investors can potentially maximize their returns and achieve their long-term investment goals.
Ultimate P&L IndicatorHello everyone,
Excited to release this P&L Indicator! Read below for more details.
What it does:
This is an indicator that permits you to track your active P&L live on Tradingview. As well, it provides some insight into DCAing your position by giving you live estimates of your revised DCA if you were to add to your position at various targets/price points.
Who is it for:
I developed it because I trade 100% off of Tradingview but my broker does not support Tradingview integration. So I wanted a way to track my position live on the Tradingview platform without having to constantly reference my broker. I also wanted to be able to set position specific alerts right on Tradingview.
How does it work:
It works by the user manually inputting their trade information, including their DCA, position size and the date and time of position entry. The indicator can provide real time and live DCA adjusted estimates if you were to add to your position at the current stock price, or you can manually calculcate your revised DCA at a specific price target.
The indicator also displays your current and past performance on your position for the duration of the position period:
The indicator is compatible with both futures and share trading.
Option trading is not directly available, however, you can get an idea for your option position P&L by following the 1 option contract = 100 share rule.
So if you have 5 option contracts that you bought at a ticker price of, say, 38$, your average cost or DCA would be 38 and your position size would be 500. This will not be 100% accurate, but will be close enough to give you a feel for your active P&L.
If you are trading futures, you will need to select "Futures Trading" and specify the TIck and Index costs. A cheat sheet has been provided in the tool tip for ES, Oil and MNQ. The default is set for ES1! mini futures at 0.25 ticks per 50$.
Important tips:
1. Select the date and time of your position (optional): This is optional but will provide you with the clearest and most accurate review of how your position has performed, including the highest and lowest (drawdown).
2. Select whether it is a share position or a futures position (this is required).
3. Select whether it is a long or short position (this is required).
4. Input your DCA and position size (this is required).
5. Most importantly, select the ticker your position is based in!
I have also prepared a quick start video which is linked below:
As always, please let me know your comments/questions and feedback for the indicator.
Thanks for checking it out and safe trades everyone!
Price Data LabelThis indicator gives you the ability to see historical data for each bar on the chart by simply hovering over the high of the bar, similar to the functionality of MarketSmith.
Data for each bar includes:
Close + Change
Percentage Change
Closing Range
Volume Percent based on 50 day average
Distance to 4 selectable moving averages
Example of stats on a historical bar:
* Note this only works on the last 500 historical bars. If you use bar replay it will work with 500 historical bars from the last bar.
* If you have multiple indicators on your chart, in order to see the data you will need to use visual order to bring to front. This can be done by clicking the three dots next to the indicator name and selecting visual order.
7 Week RuleThe 7 week rule was shared by Gil Morales in his book “Trade Like an O’Neil Disciple”. The rule is described as: Stocks that have shown a tendency to “obey” or “respect” the 10-day moving average for at least 7 weeks in an uptrend should often be sold once the stock violates the 10-day line. A “violation” is defined as a close below the 10-day moving average followed by a move on the next day below the intraday low of the first day.
This indicator makes using the 7 week rule easy. Once a stock has closed above its selected moving average (10SMA by default) for 35 days the 7 week rule is triggered. Once the stock then “violates” the moving average, a sell signal is printed on the chart.
Indicator Customizations
Moving Average Length & Type
Show or Hide Moving Average
Show Running Count of Days Above Selected MA
Highlight When 7 Week Rule Triggers
Option to Show First Day Above MA
Indicator is dynamic and will continue the count if no violation occurs.
TSG 5% Daily CalculatorThis is a calculator I've created to help visualize Target and Risk Levels based on leverage use to trade crypto.
How to use it ?
Basic Use:
- Set the Direction of your trade - either Long or Short
- Set the Leverage you use in your trade - it is crutial to define the risk and target levels
- Set the Risk Amount you want to risk (in %) of your total balance ( Advised 2-3% )
- Set the Target Amount you want to profit at the target (the idea of this is 5% daily, so 5%).
- Set Entry Price if you have opened a position, and you will visually see your progress. Otherwise the levels will be adjusted to the Close of the candle.
- Set your Initial Balance - to help you visualize on the Table your progress
- Set your Current Balance - for visualization purposes on ongoing trades and on the Table
- Entry Date - Advised to set it when you open a trade - you will be tracking the progress of your trade since the candle on which you opened it
- Show Table - to show the table of 5% daily and the target it is set on per day
- Table Size - Set table to be small or normal
- Together with the Table you have a big blue area behind that ends on the day you will become a Millionaire based on the Initial Balance, Current balance and Target % in your inputs
Investing Performance with vs without feesHello traders,
I had a chat with a friend recently who's using a fund manager services to invest for him in some US-based ETFs tracking the US indices.
I showed him using an online tool that those 2% annual fees he's paying to his fund manager are eating a lot of his profit overtime.
As I had some time, I decided to code this simulator in Pinescript because .... why not :)
@RicardoSantos already did that Compound Interest function ()
I added the n parameter being the number of times the interest is compounded per unit of time
Compound interest is calculated using the following formula
CI = P*(1 + R/n) (n*t) – P
P is the principal amount.
R is the annual interest rate.
t is the time the money is invested or borrowed for.
n is the number of times that interest is compounded per unit t, for example if interest is compounded monthly and t is in years then the value of n would be 12.
If interest is compounded quarterly and t is in years then the value of n would be 4.
For now, the script only works on a yearly chart - I might update it later making it compatible with other chart timeframes - assuming there is some demand for it
If there is, let me know in the comments down below
All the best
Here I would present you my 'Risk Management' tool which is based on your buy orders, trading fees and your desired benefit.
Easily, fulfill the price and volume of each entries. Add to this, you can prepare the info about your next proposed entries, just let them not check at first and by meeting the prices then active the check-box beside it.
Two line will be presented on your candle-plot, one of the indicate the place that without any lose/win you can exit and also the desired exit position by considering user defined benefit.
Use it for free but please do not forget to boost the script.
Best regards and happy trading.
Position Sizing Tool [Skiploss]The position sizing tool is an indicator to help calculate in trading, such as loss and gain, lots size, and risk-reward ratio.
When you open the indicator, you must select the entry, take profit, and stop-loss points.
Be careful;
The take profit point must be more than the entry point in the long position. On the other hand, it will be a short position.
The stop loss point must be less than the entry point in the long position. On the other hand, it will be a short position.
For contract size, you can find details on MetaTrader, Ctrader, or your broker.
Position Sizer for UltraCap Trading Accreditation PlansWhen you enter a typical trading challenge, you are told that your accreditation assessment demo account is funded up to a certain amount. You are then told that you can only lose a small percentage of that account before you fail the accreditation/challenge. For example, if you are given a $100,000 dollar challenge demo account and are told that you can only lose up to 8% of that account ($8,000), then in reality, you really only have $8,000 to "trade" with before the game is over. That suggests that we need a risk management system that is initially based on the "true" amount of capital that we actually have to work with at the beginning of the assessment rather than an imaginary demo balance the prop firm gives us. Traditional forex risk management principles mandate that you never risk more than 2% of your trading capital on any one trade, the idea being that as long as your win rate is above some abysmally low level, it will take you a (hopefully) long time to run out of trading capital. That’s why the rules for passing an accreditation at the prop firm Ultra Cap mandate that you never risk more than 2% of your balance, or you will fail the assessment. With that in mind, I created this indicator/tool mostly for UltraCap accreditation candidates. In addition to using it to pass a prop firm assessment, you can also use it to increase your chances of surviving in an undercapitalized trading situation with your own money. For example, you could trade an actual $8,000 dollars (money that you really have) as if it were $100,000 (which is basically what any prop firm is asking you to do when they "give" you "$100,000" to trade with but only allow you lose a maximum of $8000). In that particular situation, the algorithm in this pricing model will base your initial risk exposure on an assumed account balance of $8000, and as you increase your balance, it proportionally increases risk exposure in the background until you reach a profit level of 6%, which just so happens to be the profit goal at Ultra Cap that gets you funded! This indicator uses a simple linear equation to progressively increase the risk exposure in the background based on your current stated account balance. Initially, your trade size will seem ridiculously small, but if your win rate holds up, the trade sizes will increase substantially as you get closer to the finish line.
Price Distance RatioThis study plots the ratio between current price and the price N days ago.
With N input that is configurable, users can find optimal long/short entries when price is in an established trend and price has diverge far from a given local peak or all time high.
With many years of stock trading the analysis indicates a connection between the distance of price and subsequent returns.
Portfolios of stocks with lower price to local highes ratios generally underperformed portfolios of stocks with higher prices to peaks reached similar N days ago.
The highest returns to previous peak are recorded when buying at the biggest dip.
For example, the purchase at 20% drawdown could generate 25% when price returns to the peak. The purchase at 50% drawdown could generate bigger, i.e. 100% return, when price returns to the peak. And the purchase at 90% drawdown could generate much bigger, i.e. 900% return, in a case the price returns to the peak.
However, buying very far below local peaks on almost all holding periods produces lower CAGR returns because of "timing adjustment". In simple words, typically the drawdown takes less time vs. further recovery.
For example:
👉 The largest BTC drawdown in 2013-2015 took 410 days (Peak-to-Valley) . And the recovery of BTC to new highs took 771 days (Valley-to-Peak) after that.
👉 The 3rd longest drawdown in BTC took 363 days (observed from December 17, 2017 to December 15, 2018). And further recovery in BTC to its new high took almost two years - 716 days .
👉The 4th longest drawdown in BTC took 162 days (observed from June 08, 2011 to November 17, 2011). And further recovery in BTC to its new high took more than a year - 469 days .
The concept of this study could recognizes at least 4 different modes of action.
👉 In a clearly established upward trend traders should be buying (following the trend) when Ratio is above 100% and reducing the size when Ratio turns below 100%.
👉 Conversely, in a clearly established downward trend traders should be shorted when Ratio is below 100% and covering when the Ratio turns back to 100%.
👉 In a sideways movement traders are advised to wait carefully if the Ratio near 100% for a long time, and take a position the trend is clear.
👉 Chartists can analyze the dynamic of the indicator - both in terms of trends and overall level. For example as it shown at the chart.
The understading of the study and rules of "timing adjustments" could genarate the awesome opportunities for stock options traders also, with strategies of selling uncovered call options and vertical call spreads.
// Many thanks to @HPotter and @Wheeelman wizards for their continious support and assistance.
mex_fundingScript for calculating Bitmex funding based on the Premium tickers Bitmex submits to Tradingview
Make sure you add the correct Bitmex Interest Base and Quote Symbols in the input settings
For example for the inputs are:
Chart ticker: XBTUSDPI8H
Input Settings
Interest Base: XBTBON8H
Interest Quote: USDBON8H
Rotational Gravity OscillatorMade using elements from two Cheatcountry scripts:
Includes a Bollinger Band for bounds that forms a trend follower based on the 0 point.
Includes CheatCountry color code signals, different color scheme. Bright colors are strong signals, ark are weak, green bull, red bear, the basics.
Switches for Bollinger Band color codes, which can actually be useful signals.
This oscillator can be used for divergences, trends, signal strength, confirmation, volatility readings, you name it.
It is a comparative oscillator, that compares adaptively smoothed, weighted modified Change of Gravity oscillators between 2 symbols and multiple lengths to determine directional momentum as one asset compares to another.
The default uses the Crypto TOTAL market cap to help trade cryptocurrencies. You will notice that BTC will give sell signals in uptrends at times. That is because it is being compared to an index of the total Crypto market cap, and since alt-coins move faster, BTC will lag behind this index.
Give CheatCountry a follow, hes one of the MVPs of Tradingview Pinescripters, constantly giving us access to novel new concepts as they are published by professionals.
Live Portfolio ScreenerThe live portfolio screener indicator is a tool that help users to track the performance of their investments in real-time. The indicator provides a detailed breakdown of the user's portfolio, including the current profit and loss (P&L) for each stock that is invested in. This allows users to quickly and easily see how their portfolio is performing and make informed decisions about their investments on charts. Overall, this tool is an essential tool for anyone looking to stay on top of their investments and make data-driven decisions.
This indicator can load any symbol globally usable.
How to use this indicator ?
in this indicator firstly
you have add script name. (For example if you want to add symbol you have add in 's01 ' means the first symbol)
after that
you have to add price for each (For example if you want to add buy price for the first symbol then add the buy price in ' Bp01 ')
then the quantity comes in picture which is below price list and named here as Bq01 which means 'Buy quantity for first symbol'
Basic Position Calculator (BPC)In trading, proper position sizing is essential to managing risk and maximizing returns. The script provided is a Basic Position Calculator that allows traders to quickly and easily calculate their position size, stop loss, take profit, and risk reward ratio for a given trade.
The script starts by defining several inputs for the user to customize the calculations. The first input is the "Account Size", which specifies the total amount of funds available for the trade. The next input is "Risk Amount %", which is the percentage of the account size that the trader is willing to risk per trade. The "Stop Loss" input specifies the maximum amount of loss that the trader is willing to accept, while the "Reward" input is the desired profit target for the trade. Finally, there is a "Position" input that allows the user to specify where on the chart the table of calculations will be displayed.
The script then calculates the position size, stop loss, take profit and risk reward ratio using the user-specified inputs. The position size is calculated by dividing the risk amount by the stop loss. The stop loss is calculated by multiplying the stop loss percentage by the close price, and the take profit is calculated by multiplying the stop loss percentage by the close price and the reward. Risk-reward ratio is the ratio of amount of profit potential to the amount of risk in a trade.
The script then creates a table and displays the calculated values on the chart at the specified location. The table includes the following information: account size, position size, account risk %, stop loss, stop loss %, take profit, take profit % and risk reward ratio. This allows the trader to quickly and easily see all the key calculations for their trade in one place.
Overall, the Basic Position Calculator script is a valuable tool for any trader looking to quickly and easily calculate their position size, stop loss, take profit, and risk reward ratio for a given trade. The ability to customize the inputs and display the calculations on the chart makes it a useful and user-friendly tool for managing risk and maximizing returns.
Market SnapshotGet a snapshot of the market with the index's last price, distance to selectable moving averages, and breadth data.
Choose to see data based on the Nasdaq or SPX, as well as net highs / lows for the Nasdaq, NYSE or combined.
Snapshot shows:
- Index's (SPX or Nasdaq's) last price
- Put call ratio
- % of stocks above the 50 day moving average for the index of your choice
- % of stocks above the 200 day moving average for the index of your choice
- Distance to or from two selectable moving averages. (negative number means price is below the moving average, positive means price is above)
Configurable options:
- Which moving averages to use
- Where to display the table on your chart
- Table size, background and text colors
Sessions and news markersHello,
I use this script daily so I thought it might help some of you guys out!
This script can show two custom trading sessions and up to three specific dates and hours to keep in mind while trading (for example a news release).
My trading plan tells me to trade from 08:00am to 10:00am (GMT+1) and not to let open trades during a high impact news release, this script allows me to show my trading session and mark the news releases on the chart before trading so I don't forget about them while in the heat of trading.
It is very straightforward:
How to set up the TRADING SESSIONS:
- Tick the trading sessions that you want to use (one or two)
- Specify the trading hours
- Choose the color of the trading sessions
- Choose the color to fill outside of the trading sessions
- Choose the time zone (GMT, GMT+1, UTC, UTC+2...)
How to set up the NEWS MARKERS:
- Tick the news markers you want to use (up to three)
- Specify the date and hours of the news
- Choose the color of the news markers
- No need to choose the time zone, it will use the timezone of the chart
PS: As you can see in the settings, each session and news marker can have their own color
I hope this helps you out as much as it helps me! If you have any recommendations I would be glad to hear them :)
Crypto Index (DXY) CandlesA modification of @loxx's "Dollar Index (DXY) Candles" allowing for a user selected basket of tickers using the same weights as the standard DXY. Ticker Inputs are in descending order so highest weight is at the top by default, although weighting can be changed manually by modifying the symbol's corresponding weight input in the settings. The Idea was to get a bird's eye view of the crypto space using some of the more relevant names in the space. User's can use the toggle in the settings for viewing the default DXY for comparison. Indicator should be used as a confirmation when looking at long term trend changes in the space, shorter time frames may, or may not be as useful.
Financial Data Spreadsheet [By MUQWISHI]The Financial Data Spreadsheet indicator displays tables in the form of a spreadsheet containing a set of selected financial performances of a company within the most recent reported period. Analyzing Financial data is one of the classic methods to evaluate whether the company’s stock price is overvalued or undervalued based on its income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. This indicator might be practical to investors to collect needed data of a company to analyze and compare it with other companies on a TradingView chart or print it in spreadsheet form.
Due to strict limitations on calling function, I tried to develop the table with the best ways to be more dynamic to move and the ability to join multiple tables into a spreadsheet. Users can add up to 20 instruments and 2 financial metrics per table. However, it’s possible to add many tables with other financial metrics, then connect them to the main table.
Credits: The idea of joining multiple tables inspired by @QuantNomad Screener for 40+ instruments
1- Moving Table toward right-left up-down from its origin.
2- Hiding Column Title checkmark. Useful for adding a joined table underneath with additional instruments.
3- Hiding Instruments Title checkmark. Useful for adding a joined table on the right with other financial metrics.
4- Shade Alternate Rows checkmark. I believe it’ll make the table easier to read.
5- Selecting Financial Period. (Year, Quarter).
6- Entering a currency.
7- Choosing a financial ID for each column. There’re over 200 financial IDs. Source: What financial data is available in Pine? — TradingView
8- Optional to highlight values in between.
9- Entering the ticker’s symbol with the ability to activate/deactivate.
For best technical performance, use the indicator in a 1D timeframe.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thank you.
Position Size ToolUpdated - Version 2
This tool is used to calculate the size of a trade.
Settings - Type in total account size and % of capital that can be risked on each trade.
The table will display:
Column 1 - Stop placement based on low, mid or high value of the current candle.
Column 2 - Percent risk on the trade.
Column 3 - Amount of shares that can be traded (calculated from account size, risk and selected stop placement).
Green color is intended for long position, stop at the low of the candle.
Red color is intended for short position, stop at the high of the candle.
Middle value can shift between either color since its measured from open to close.
Price Change AlertsThis purpose of this indicator script is to reduce time traders spend staring on the charts.
For example if you're trading BTCUSD you can set alerts to be trigered by desired delta amount, for example 50. Then you can receive push notifications on your phone (need to install the tradinview app) and on your desktop computer every time price changes by amount of 50. Simple and easy.
To enable alerts do this:
- Click on alerts clock icon in top right corner of the screen
- Click on "Create alert button"
- In Condition dropdown select "alerts"
- In the next dropdown select "Any alert function() call" and click on "Create" button
Script uses repainting on purpose to display daily percentage changes since the previous day's closing and to triger alerts.
Portfolio Chart by fonotoFeatures:
If you are looking for a chart that can project your portfolio value as a whole over time instead of individual stocks, this can be it. This is an indicator overlaid on the main chart of your index/stock selection allowing you to compare your portfolio performance against the main index/stock visually in chart form.
The settings has UI to input your portfolio stocks and quantities. The setting also has a divide factor which you can set to divide the portfolio value by this value so Y-Axis is offset to show main index/stock chart and your portfolio chart relatively closer. Portfolio chart works on any chosen timeframe. Colors can be customized in the UI.
1. Number of portfolio stocks is limited to 10.
2. Chart Type is limited to Candle.
3. Exponential Moving Averages are limited to 21, 50, 100, 200 & 500.
Entry helperHello traders,
This is a script I use daily as a scalper and it helps me a lot, maybe it can help you, this is why I am sharing it!
This program is specifically designed to help scalpers but can be used for all types of trading but won't be as useful.
This script is what I call an entry helper as it calculates dynamically the position size, stop loss and take profit levels and more.
When scalping and placing market entry orders, the price can move significantely while you are calculating your position size according to your stop loss, capital, risk and especially close price that changes very quickly, this results in a risk that is not ideally controlled and personally was a source of frustration and stress. I wanted to enter my quantity and stop loss values as fast as possible and make the process easier.
This script automates the calculation of the position size, stop loss and take profit levels according the the users input and prints the data visibly on the screen so it is easy to copy by the trader. It allows the trader to be confident that his risk is as controlled as possible.
The script is easy to use and set up, this guide will help you if you have any difficulies or questions.
1 - Set your capital value in $
2 - Set your trade side (BUY or SELL)
3 - Set you desired risk in % of your capital
4 - Set your entry from 2 different options
|MARKET| (default option)
This option will place the entry level at the last available price
This option allows you to input a fixed price level for the entry
5 - Select your stop loss placement from 4 different options
|EXTREMA STOP LOSS| (default option)
This option will place the stop loss at the highest/lowest (extrema) price level within the last N candles
This option uses the same price level as the EXTREMA STOP LOSS but will add/soustract the last ATR value (calculated on the N last candles) multiplied by a coefficient that you input
This option uses the same price level as the EXTREMA STOP LOSS but will add/soustract a number of ticks that you input
This option allows you to input a fixed price level for the stop loss
6 - Select your take profit from 3 different options
|NONE| (default option)
This option will not display any take profit level, I have added this option as I don't have take profit targets
This option uses a risk to reward ratio (reward/risk) that you input, it will automatically calculate the take profit level that corresponds
This option allows you to input a fixed price level for the take profit
7 - Set the quantity settings, it represents the quantity in a lot (usually 100 000 in forex, 100 in stocks 1 for crypto currencies)
8 - Set the fee per quantity (turning lot)
9 - Show or remove the tab
10 - Select the data that you want to display in the tab (the tab will adapt automatically)
The vertical dashed line shows what candle has been used for the calculation of the stop loss, it allows you to visualize what candle the script has selected in case of an EXTREMA stop loss option.
I hope this helps you out! Any suggestions are welcome and I hope that the guide is clear enough.
Happy trading!
Breakeven Line DemoPlug the breakeven line code into the bottom of your strategy to get visualization of your breakeven price. Line is green when net position is long, red when net short and invisible when strategy is risk neutral. Most useful for strategies which use pyramiding (successive entries in same direction stacked upon each other) as it can be difficult to track where prices needs to return to to allow closing in profit. Disclaimer: the strategy logic is garbage do not use it. It is only there so you can see how Breakeven Line logic is implemented.