BTC longs n' shortsA indicator that neatly shows you BitFinex margin longs and shorts that can be put on any chart!
Dumb Indicator 9 - Bitfinex Shorts X LongsThis is a way to study how the crypto market is going on Bitfinex, you can see the diference between the Long and Short terms on most popular pairs.
Bitcoin Shorts and LongsThis indicator shows the volume of shorts and longs for margin trading in Bitfinex.
BTC-USD: LONGS, SHORTS & RATIO (Bitfinex)This script allows you
1. to plot the outstanding BTC long (green) and/or short (red) positions
2. to plot an area (blue) corresponding to the ratio between the outstanding long and short positions, shifted and rescaled, such that the zero-line corresponds to the mid-point between the long and short positions: ratio => ratio * mid + mid
ETHUSD FINEX OPEN POSsame as another public btcusd open pos indicator, changing data to use finex open positions for ethusd
Bitfinex BTCUSD margin longs vs shortsNon overlay indicator for BTCUSDLONGS and BTCUSDSHORTS + delta
BTCUSD Bitfinex Longs vs ShortsBitfinex BTC -0.82% longs versus shorts margin trading positions
Displays total longs, total shorts, and net
Option to normalize data between to -100% and 100%
Option to adjust smoothing factor
Option to adjust upper and lower threshold when normalized
Universal Longs Vs. Shorts - Ratio (Any Symbol)Hello again all my Trading View friends!
This script is a variation of my other script "Universal Longs Vs. Shorts - Percentage (Any Symbol)"
It allows you to choose ANY symbol and plot the ratio against ANY other symbol, as an indicator on your given pair. It is primarily used as an indicator of longs/shorts as well as shorts/longs as a ratio to each other.
It plots the ratio of longs/shorts or shorts/longs. For example:
If there are more longs than shorts open, the long ratio will be great than 1 with no upper limit.
If there are less longs than shorts open, the ratio will be less than 1 but greater than 0.
The same is true when comparing shorts to longs. You can choose to view Longs Ratio only, Shorts Ratio only, or Both.
This is useful to see how many more longs there are than shorts, and visa versa, at any given time interval. It does not take into consideration total volume of longs + shorts to get an absolute number, but rather a relative ratio to each other.
If there are many more positions open in one direction over the other, the ratio will rise higher and higher away from 1, which lets you know generally that there is a lot greater volume of that position open compared to its reverse.
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More useful scripts to come :-D
Universal Longs Vs. Shorts - Percentage (Any Symbol)Hello all my Trading View friends!!
This script allows you to choose ANY symbol and plot the ratio against ANY other symbol, as an indicator on your given pair. It is primarily used as an indicator of longs/shorts as well as shorts/longs as a percentage of total longs + shorts.
It takes the ratio from an absolute 100%, rather than relative to each other. Therefore, each plot has a minimum of 0% and a maximum of 100%. You can choose to view Longs Percentage only, Shorts Percentage only, or Both.
This is useful to see what percentage of total positions are either long or short at any given time interval.
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Bitfinex Margin VolumesQuick view on longs/short margin positions on Bitfinex for current Crypto Symbol.
[PW] BITFINEX Longs ChangeA very simple indicator to show the change of longs between the previous period and the current period on bitfinex, this works for any margin pair on Bitfinex but can also be locked to BITFINEX:BTCUSD, works hand in hand with my "Shorts Change" indicator
[PW] BITFINEX Longs & Shorts (all pairs)This is the same as my previous BITFINEX Longs & Shorts script but with an update by @slylandro to work with other pairs on BFX
Green area = Longs
Red area = Shorts
Lighter area = Longs - Shorts (good for spotting sentiment)
Bitfinex Bitcoin Short/Long PercentageShows the percentage of longs vs shorts. Red area means more shorts than longs and the other way around.
Bitfinex (BFX) - Longs and Shorts for BitcoinGreen area = Longs
Red area = Shorts
Lighter area = Longs - Shorts
The data only started recently which is why there is not much history, also I have marked a period of missing data between the vertical lines.