黄金在今日最高点1863和最低点1849区间震荡,15分钟交易量峰值1859下方。 权限下行趋势至斐波那契1844/1840区间探底。 预计回撤探底后将回调多单。 如多头1860附近起稳,直接做多。 交易有风险,投资需谨慎。
BTC突破历史高点4万大关,期货合约机构空头百分之60持仓,基金经理和散户依然持有百分之60以上的多单,预计BTC回调前会再次冲高。目标为43000-45000附近。 目前持仓多头谨慎观望,设置好止损或者减仓。本分析仅为个人交易临摹,不代表交易参考。 汇市有风险,投资请谨慎!
After BTC successfully touched 9517, BTC was forced into the air. At present, it is adjusted repeatedly from the current level. The view is that the current strong rebound belongs to lure the bull market, resulting in the shorts being harvested and the bulls are very dangerous. There has been a reversal of BTC and the daily short position has been established.