HIBISCUS ~ Completed major waves may extend Wave 5 (eod 9/1/18)
2018-01-10 Salam n G'day ~ a quick look at Arifin Abdul Latif/Ayah Pin's 'Geluk Jampi'... for my dear HIBISCUS PETROLEUM bunga Raya... "HIBISCUS ~ Completed major waves may extend its Wave 5 to a high of between 0.97-1.06/1.27, by 1/25 - 1/29/18! This 'Orang Minyak' is still on the prowl guys n gurls!!" -- Arifin Abdul Latif. ---- Disclaimer: For consulting & educational training by ArifinLatif Consulting Services & Forecasting Academy. Not to be misconstrued as advisories to buy &/or sell futures/ stocks/forex/commodities/stock prices indicies. (c) ArifinLatif Consulting's MENTORING CLUB, Gann-EWA by Advanced GET 7.8, eod 01/09/18. facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10156039964529140&set=a.479196989139.262482.633309139&type=3