
230% vs 110% returns which one will you choose ?

So I recently got an Apple Watch to keep track of my fitness goal. It can help track my running distance and better still, my swimming log as well. It is pretty cool except for one thing I noticed.

It syncs with your Apple Phone and all your apps that are in there will automatically sync with your Apple Watch. So, I have finance, fitness, social media, etc apps that keep sending me notification.
It can be pretty annoying and disturbing to become a slave to these tech items, haha.

I believe the trends globally is quite the same maybe for a few European countries like Switzerland ( I could be wrong) Finland, Norway,etc. Taking a train to work, I can see almost 95% of the commuters glued to their phones. What happened to reading a book , I mean a hardcopy book? Sadly, all the bookstores in Singapore are closing one after another. Read article here

Anyway, this trend is so massive and has become a part of everyone's daily lives that buying its stock to me is a no brainer. Just taking the last 3 years performance, buying Apple shares will generate a 230% returns versus 110% returns for SPX500 index.

What other deep seated trends can you identify in your own country ? Find the Apple alike competitor in your own country and buy it.
