Apple STOCK if you look at a weekly chart we can find interesting optimistic patterns within the movement, we have a good volume in supply, although it does not seem to stop, we can say that during this week the demand will show great bid. In the daily there is insecurity, in the weekly, the demand already shows signs of weakening, we can bet an increase of 8% to 10% in all probability, In this context we would say that we are laterizing, during the weekly downward trend.

Apple STOCK si se mira en un grafico semanal podemos encontrar interensantes patrones optimistas dentro del movimiento, tenemos un buen volumen en la oferta,aunque no parece detenerce, podemos decir que durante esta semana la demanda mostrara gran puja. En el diario hay insertidumbre, en el semanal, la demanda ya muestra signos de debilitamiento, podemos apostar una subida de un 8% a 10% con toda probabilidad, En este contexto diriamos que estamos laterizando, durante tendencia semanal bajista.

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