AAPL Homework

Disclaimer: The analysis information is for reference only and does not constitute an investment recommendation.

Set stop lose $130
entry $131
exit 1 $136
exit 2 $140

"LONG" option risk lvl
Strike $135 exp date JAN 6th
Period of holding per minute risk $.20 per minute if market consolidation ..$1 of gainer win $36 , $1 loser , deduction $13, overnight period of holding deduction $13 ...not include time decay.. 60% high risk ..40% winning rate..
Strike $135 exp date Jan 13th
Period of holding per minute risk $.30 per minute if market consolidation , $1 of gainer win $46 , $1 loser , Deduction $11, overnight period of holding deduction $11, not include time decay 50% high risk ..50% winning rate ..break even stock price
Strike $135 exp date Jan 23th
Period of holding per minute risk $.40 per minute if market consolidation , $1 gainer win $42, $1 loser ,deduction $10 , overnight period of holding deduction $16 , free of time decay ..
risk lvl 30% , win rate 70% if market bullish
Strike $135 exp date JAN 27th
Period of holding per minute risk $.50 per minute if market consolidation , $1 of gainer win $44, $1 loser ,deduction $9 , overnight period of holding deduction $9, free of time decay ..
risk lvl 10% , win rate 90% if market bullish
Strike $135 exp date FEB 23th
Period of holding per minute risk $.60 per minute if market consolidation , $1 of gainer win $46, $1 loser ,deduction $9
overnight period of holding deduction $9 , free of time decay .. risk lvl 5%, win rate 95% if mart bullish
