
The most important years of Apple ever? (future) 2025?

The most important years of Apple ever?
from the stock price im seeing a "important" year 2025? (inflection point, in terms of wave theory and standard calculus?)


why are we seeing a drop in volume of
Silicon Valley Tech Stocks?
(starting in 2027?)
"re-globalization out of Silicon Valley and Taiwan?"

Apple made a major investment in California.. but what are the other places and other companies that can "make computers" just as well?
possible movement to
Vietnam and Philippines and Malaysia?
What about Australian or
Eastern Europe or
even Africa as a "new tech center
after 2027??

why so "low" in terms of price osculations
but "stable" long term "high points?"

Major "investment funds" have invested billions of dollars into apple what and how will they "make their money" .. you dont make money until you pull it out?
the money money flowing is starting to go {"out"} of apple till 2022?? but then what after "next year" if all the money is pulled out or "some"? how much? and what the global impact?

why is volume dropping if algorithmic trading
and "technology" stocks are so important
what about food and other industries like transport?

Hope this helps!

"Stay Curious"!
Asher! :)

