Nifty Bank Index

The Psychology of Money

--The Psychology of Money --

1. Real wealth is the money that you don't see
2. Focus on lowering risk, not maximizing reward
3. Focus only on factors you can control
4. Compound interest x Time = wealth
5. Money doesn't get peoples' respect
6. Only take risks you can recover from
7. Never ever happened won't happen
8. Focus on your systems, not outcomes
9. Plan for when the plan goes sideways
10. Money only solves money problems
11. Your goals will not be the same forever
12. Don't take permanent decisions lightly
13. Money is just a tool, not the goal
14. Learn to say when you have "enough"
15. Talk is cheap, you are your actions
16. Decisions are never perfectly rational
17. Don't fear change. It will happen inevitably
18. Some lessons must be experienced to be understood
19. Desperate people believe whatever sounds like salvation
20. The best thing that money can buy is your freedom.
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