If you have any money in crypto you need to know this...
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There is a seasonality to the Crypto space. It comes in waves led by the leader and King BTC. There is no question many projects and exciting coins coming into this space but until the market cap of Bitcoin has been dethroned, Bitcoin exists as the the KING. Many Alt coins have had 5-6 months in the sun and this chart points that their cycle may be coming to an end for a season. If you have any money invested in Crypto you may consider selling your Alts if you haven't been totally flushed out yet or allocating more of your holdings into BTC. I just asked my 6 year old daughter which way she thought this chart was going to go next? Her answer was... "up". I asked her why? She told me "is this is pattern?". Yes we see these patterns in Crypto. I called the bottom on BTC.D 3 about a month ago and was proven to be early. This game is hard to be perfect at or right all of the time. We are starting to see a strong bounce off the 2017 low. My entire point in putting this together is for you to closely look at your holdings and make sure for the next 2-3 months they are BTC dominant. Just shear math will tell you will have a better return there until this market consolidates over the next couple months. Alts like to see their parent (BTC) confident before they run wild. Just as an example I'm personally looking for ETH/BTC to drop back to .50 before shifting more of my Bitcoin to ETH. Before this happens BTC.D will be much higher than it is now. Not only will this gain a higher return but our conversions will be better and our money will go further when BTC.D crawls back to up to the .60 price. We are on a journey back to the X. It's never a straight shot path either but I'll wake you up when we get there. Adjust your accounts accordingly.