When you compare Total Altcoin market cap (Crypto market cap excluding BTC) side by side, you can see that when BTC dominance (BTC.D) falls is usually when alt season happens. When BTC.D goes sideways, altcoins tent to do the same or even consolidate for a while, like we've seen for the last year or so.
An a chart altseasn is marked in green, consolidation/sideways movement in yellow and in blue is when crypto winter comes.
After BTC topped in Dec. 2017, BTC dominance continued to fall as BTC went into a retracement. Altcoins continued to rally into this moment. After that The whole market crashed and BTC dominance rose significant. This is a typical sign of bear market. This time is a bit different. After BTC made first ATH in 2021 and had its first major selloff, BTC dominance started to go sideways while altcoin market cap (TOTAL2) capitulated. BTC dominance than actually continued to go sideways even after whole marked crashed which does show a sign that the bull market, at least for the altcoins is not over. If it would be over, BTC dominance would have to be rising right now a lot, but it doesn't. Instead it is looking like it will continue to crash, which is a very good sign for altcoins. Remember that time is irrelevant here as no one knows for how long and when things will play out.
I am very positive that it will come while BTC will slowly be rising into a retracement.
I am not a financial advisor so non of this should be taken as a financial advise. Be well.