
BTCUSD Bybit Chart Analysis June 17

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I will begin BTCUSD Bybit Bitcoin Chart Analysis for June 17.

I will check the movement after writing the analysis on June 16th.

It is a movement after the final finish.
I marked the main sections with black fingers.

First, starting at $22,394 with a short chasing position.
It ended with a downward trend.

Those who are holding a short position,
Earning up to $2189.5
Congratulations on your Profit.

Will it come down this month?
Let's not give up and take a look.

4 hour chart.

Today's approximate Top and Bottom prices are displayed.

around the purple support line
Check the red up/light blue down movement path

I made today's trading strategy.

This is a 30-minute chart one-way short position strategy.

To be precise, short -> long switching.

It is on a downtrend, but the pattern is not completely broken.
There is a possibility of crossing over.

This part was confusing.

It is a lateral movement, not a vertical rise.
I think it is a downtrend when it goes up
If it breaks through the maximum pink resistance line, it is considered a strategic failure.

Focused on short position strategy.

Because there may be variables such as Nasdaq, sideways
Today is not a chase shot, but after checking the pattern

In a big trend, it would be better to view it as a short -> long switching strategy.
Chairman Powell's announcement at 9:45.

There is a possibility of an immediate vertical decline, so please be aware of it.

* When the light blue finger moves

Those who are operating an existing short position, start with a short position.
Small waves are omitted.

1. 20023.5 USD short position entry section / Stop loss when the orange resistance line is broken

2. $17706.5 long position switching section / Stop loss when the red support line is broken

At the bottom, because it is in line with the trend as much as possible
There is a possibility that you will be guided to the target, so be sensible and like Mako-sama.
Please do it in real time.

Once you hit the bottom, I think it would be good to run it in altcoins at the same time.
Please note

Beginners, do not try to catch the lowest floor.
There is no problem even if you operate it in the safe section after the traffic light.
Please never overdo it.

Don't forget to buy in principle / stop loss is essential

Have a good weekend.

Thank you for reading today.


It's been a while since I added an additional comment.

It's still not easy.

I hit the 4 hour support level -> With the Nasdaq, there is a rebound.

Today's strategy wasn't a chase shot position , you know why?

Because I touched the top first, not the bottom
The strategy has been cancelled.

If the current position crosses the pink resistance line
You can go up to the top section.

The rest of the time is fighting.

thank you

It's a Bitcoin guide.

There was a big movement over the weekend,
so I stopped by for a while.

Starting with the final comment on the 17th, let's check it out.

Bitcoin 30 minute chart.
I marked the main sections with black fingers.

Although the entry position did not appear in the strategy,
Short position strategy -> pink resistance line because it was a stop loss standard

Pink resistance line at the final finish
Finished with a $21192.5 chase shot position.

It's a total of $2528 profit until today's drop.

Congrats to all who are making Profit.

I left the futures market closing price / gap price in the middle.

I plan to leave the main work section.
If you need it, you can search for it and find it.

Have a nice weekend.

thank you
Oh my, I have a weak heart

Finally, I'm doing the analysis.

I'm sure some of you are worried, so I'll leave only the main points.

thank you

It's a Bitcoin guide

I was a little late because I went to the hospital.
We will check the movement after writing the analysis on June 17th.

Bitcoin 30 minute chart.
I marked the main sections with black fingers.

Started last week with a $21,192.5 chase shot.
Bottom section (existing bottom price) from 17,567 dollars / 17.5K
Until exactly rebound in the sky blue resistance line Gap retracement section

The short -> long switching strategy is a huge success.

That's about $6850 round trip.

I even uploaded a video on the weekend so you might be worried.
Looking at the comments, I'm glad everyone seems to be doing well.

Congratulations to all who made a profit.

Is it because of the gap below the Nasdaq?
It's currently being adjusted, let's take a look at the overall
See you later in the analysis .

thank you

*비트코인가이드 공식텔레그램 Telegram

*빙엑스 BingX 50%DC+$5,000 (청산할때만 총1회수수료)

*바이비트 Bybit 20%DC+$5,020

*게이트아이오 Gateio 30%DC+$6666
