
You need water to survive in the desert. A BTC bull is around )

1 362
Cool so now I got like 5 fat dudes and 2-3 girls that think I am interested in them because I could not stop laughing and smiling.

"They can never take my Bitcoin away from me and I will never sell the bears think I am sweating but I laff as I am still 500% above my entry price"
* Knock Knock *
"Who's here"
"Hello sir it is the capital gain taxes"
"The what?"

Anyway here is a bunch of charts without much explanation :p
I will update this idea when I see signs of a bottom, I really do not expect a V shape recovery that just comes out of nowhere.
Alot of people are actually going long on Bitcoin, as it keeps going down they are just going to have to vomit the whole thing and drop the price even more, lmao every one wants to pick bottoms and be a countertrend trader. They are very probably going to get destroyed.

BLX all time BTC trendline:

We dropped below it, might act as resistance now on a bounce:

This is what I have with coinmarketcap, all supports and especially trendline:

Altcoins seem to not be at their lowest (is it because of Tether?)

These are my supports for crypto as a whole:

There is now a big premium on Bitfinex, looks natural as usual.

Shorts are going up, but longs also, "buying the dip" as usual.

About the RSI
Here you can see that the daily RSI on Bitcoin has NEVER been this low:

Here are the prvious low records:

And on the 4 hour chart:




This is the record by far. If you want you can check on google this: some people have made experiments about this "oversold" thing, they found that if you consistently bought oversold (< 30) currencies/equities you would lose alot of money, but if you went short on oversold charts you would profit. And vice versa with overbought of course.

As I have showned previously with my boredom indicator that looks at the distance between ema's (+ you can tell by just looking at the chart) the past sideways was the most boring BTC ever had. So it is no surprise that it exploded down.
I already reminded every one that checked my previous crypto idea (not sure which one exactly) of the 2015 swiss franc 1.28% tsunami. Well here people got lucky and did not eat massive slippage, but it is playing with fire and you will get punished eventually:


A last word. We are at 2018 highest point, we broke to new highs massively, this is the most impressive move of the year, and Bitcoin is about to begin a mega bull market:

BTCUSD Buy the breakout


He sucks so much wtf. Bronze 5 trash. Main yasuo 25% winrate blames teammates.

Who needs a stop loss? You can just draw a new troll chart pointing to the moon every time the price crashes ;)
I do not blame anyone for being wrong, it's how the game is supposed to be.
Just all these people that not only make some random analysis with arrows pointing super high, but when it goes against them they double up on their troll view rather than cancel the call / cut their losses if they were trading & reassess.

Got this quote:
"Remember, Bitcoin is crashing because of Hash Wars.
Not because miners have built up gigantic liabilities while mining at a loss and are now forced to sell for whatever they can get just to keep the lights on for a few more days, praying for a miracle.
No. It must be Hash Wars."

I think he is wrong... I think miners have NOT started selling yet.
When they do... may god help us all. Idk if I'll even be able to close my short and cash my Bitcoin out...
Price goes up 50000% in a year, people sell their houses and go live in the woods to buy more Bitcoin "it's all normal".

Price drops 10% "Crypto is volatile because people are being over emotional do not let your fears guide you"
Good luck with your very strong magic bean support when the whole world is starting a global selloff of everything.
Well there is divergence but imma wait 4800, I don't want any trouble.
It's ok to miss out sometimes I'd rather risk that.
The 10ths uper duper extremely strong support that proves the bear market is over got taken out in less than 24 hours.

Crypto shills are going to run out of words to describe how solid a support is.

Sweet so now there is a convergence of factors pointing to going long on my target 4800$



Adding to the list:
+ -0.786 to -1 fib
+ Divergence
Nevermind it is pumping already. Why do I waste my time chekcing this ponzi?

Just wait for the price to either get close to 4800 or 6000...
I do not know if this will display correctly:

BCHUSD bitfinex chart is not visible on tv this is weird.
Did Craight clan start war with Bitmain guy and his friends? I thought the fork went well and that was it?

BCH is basically going to zero it's down like 50% on finex and not updating.
The ponzi just imploded or?

Pretty funny thought. Not feeling sorry for bagH0DLers they got warned over and over and laughed at guys like me so now they can suck it up no one cares about their loss.
Next time use a stop loss.
I am rooting for the SV minority. Why do we need all these divisions, it just gets so anoying to have 15000 different ponzis, there are enough as it is let's just stahp and stick to a few.
Craig is some kind of psychopath but he seems to not be as bad as Bitmain guy and Roger Ver.
This is an interested battle to watch.
Meanwhile bagHODLers are seing their money disappear but lol who cares anyway.

Bitmain cannot afford to spend too much power on this little war can they?
We will just see. Maybe they just sell Bitcoins to get funds to wage their little war.

I really really love drama like this. I hope the Bitcoin we saw move will get sold, I hope satoshi wallets reactivated and something big happens. Idk don't most people like drama? I just love this XD
Coingeek & SVPool can keep attacking Bitcoin.com & BTC.com for a long while, not sure about the numbers but if they do not care about losing money it could last many months.

I do not know if transactions are being reverted.

All I know is people are going to find excuses,when the price tanks those that did not sell at 10.000 but will sell at 1.000 will use fancy words like "reduce my portfolio risk" and act like they are really good at this. The "experts" will use words rather than facts (they are much better at marketting & baiting fools into giving them their money to manage or paying for "expertise" than science and analysing the market). Baghodlers are going to claim that the price should never had gone this low but "excuse 1" "excuse 2" "excuse 3".

But in the end, they will lose their money. And I will have taken it.

Focus on improve. Excuses are for losers.

Just a waiting game now, and it should not last too long (no more 6 months of flatness for sure).
People are comparing the drop to a Wyckoff spring and 2015.
Strongly doubt it.
Here are charts on various timeframes, I dug up the 1 hour chart from 2015:

12 hour chart

1 hour chart today

12 hour chart 2015
daily chart global

1 hour chart 2015


As you can see, even if this is a spring and the start of a bull market, we probably still make money being wrong :)




Support + fib + other fib + fractal + mega trendline + divergence + what Jihan Wu said + people want to buy at that price + gut feeling

It's adding up!
Oh also, Craig club are catching up with ABC, when BTC drops < 5000 we can expect Bitmain & cie to give up quickly. Of course that by itself is pretty vague, but ye makes sense that they would throw the towel when price crosses 5000 and then it would bounce somewhere a little under 5000.
Sunny monday morning, the year is 2019.
China completed its vast power plant plant and unleashed its super datacenter.
It testes the network power and stability by firing all machines with 25 GW and destroys all cryptocurrencies that were a thorn in its side, once and for all.
BagH0DLers are taken by surprise and have no idea what is going on.

3 days ago the very 1rst crypto hash war begun, Craig SW, Calvin Ayre and their allies really don't look like they are willing to stop early, the other camp has more power but is holding BCH bags they already have a hard time liquidating & they do not have disposable money, plus bitmain is launching its IPO can't exactly tell investors they are using the company power to fight wars rather than generate profit, but if they don't they lose their BCH bags.

BagHODLers have no idea what's going on, those that are starting to get a clue are like "I didn't sign up for this!".

Wen moon... wen moon... not soon.

Maybe crypto will all suddenly flash to zero after all, and the people with the most disposable money will decide which one survives.

Satoshi wrote "Consensus", and people thought that meant "decentralized", lmao I said all along that was not true and a few with lots of hashpower and money would decide the fate of crypto, not "all the people because they are many".
There are millions of bagHODLers but they will never work together to decide anything lmao.

Here goes your "decentralized"... What a bunch of morons...

After the war, we can estimate who has most money and what worthless magicoin to invest in, bah who am I kidding, investing in this is stupid.

Only look at short term, rob dumb bagHODLers of their money before others do so:


IB prepping for a bear break, still plan going long 4500-4900.
Ok if you have not noticed by now, let me make you aware that once again, the Bitcoin price dropped, and the apes on trading view are posting even higher targets.
You can check the past year posts.

Every time Bitcoin makes a new low, these apes post a higher bull target.
First it was calls for 25.000 to 250.000, then Bitcoin tanked and came the calls for at least 50.000 and lots of half a million targets, then Bitcoin tanked and came the calls for 100.000 to 1 million. Now I see plenty of idiotic posts calling at least for 500 grans, and even posts sayign 5 million is very possible and even likely.

<Carlos matos laughing picture>

When Bitcoin falls to $1000 they will probably call for 100 million right? would be the logical continuation. I do not know of a way to make a research by date on tv, but I am sure there is a way to verify what I am saying. Anyway trust me, this is what has happened during this whole bear market, Bitcoin makes a new low, the bagholders call for an even higher target.

Bitcoin fell like a rock, and the 4 hour RSI is struggling so hard to recover to just 30.
I do not want to bother checking, but I think this is nthe worse Bitcoin has ever had it.

Add to this the first hash war with Billionaires ready to dump hundreds of thousands of BTC to get the last word fighting bagholding Bitmain prepared to fight relentlessly...
Personal opinion: I bet they just want to get rid of their bags and do not care if they crash the market but they needed an excuse to do so - and now they have one :D

This is the perfect example where I would rather miss out a million times that get caught invested long in a cataclysmic crash, and do not want to add to my short either. I just keep the little short I have left and stay away, if I go long on dumps for the bounce it will be small.

Check my last post on Natgas to find out why I am 100% right about this and why anyone fully invested in crypto / actively trading it as the main thing (not just something on the side with small capital) is WRONG.
Hidden divergence trend continuation... High of previous day got rejected...

Hahaha that's barely a 5% bounce. Bitcoin is so heavy. It has to climb more than this, come on. Maybe not. Lol. Deadcoin.


Technical target 0. Not me saying it, the same TA bulls have been using in 2018 is saying it.

CMC chart is not updated, we bear broke the inside bar... as it was so obvious...


Here on mex. There is bullish divergence, some oscillators won't stop it from going to 4600-4800

After 6 months of sideways and after 10 months of complacency/anxiety we finally broke and people went long.

This is not "you can't be right all the time" "you have to manage your risk" no that is just plain stupidity or ignorance. If you went long here might be time to forget about trading... doing yourself a favor...

Hash wars.
518 blocks have been mined under the new consensus rules!
Bitcoin Cash is currently 37.6% ahead on proof of work.
Bitcoin SV is currently 4 blocks ahead.

BSV is now ahead in hash power... 55% to 45% and ABC is dropping... Is Bitmain going to join and crash the market further?
Craig & friends were right... The roger ver club was lying even thought every one thought CSW was the one bluffing... They just took hashpower from other sources that had nothing to do there and burst and declared early victory. I even believe NGuyen when he said people offered him hash but he did not want to cheat.

Every one was wrong. I am such a good judge of character ^.^

CSW might even not be bluffing when he says he will destroy Bitcoin, but we will have to wait 2019 to see.

All I know is now people's grandma's know about Bitcoin and even if the total destructions of crypto by dumping massive amounts or by fatal flaws is not true, rich people have demonstrated what they can do so I ain't touching that with more than 5-10% and getting out quick.
Longs gapped down while I was typing :D


Someone close his losing long for 500 BTC on Bitfinex I guess.
Waiting for TV to add other exchanges, probably never.
Last update till new idea. Probably... Depends what happens.

My target where to go long is 4666 (exactly that number I did not choose it arbitrarily).
But depending on the exchange, it can be lower (or higher).
I am interested in kraken & bitmex for BTC, the price can go 50-100$ lower.
Might be interesting to be glued to the screen try to get a better price and if the global market runs to target without xbtusd going lower then I'll market buy.
Probably be able to get a better price, abuse noobs right before price bounces probably because of bots picking up the price is bouncing elsewhere :p
Too easy.

I knew I'll find something to post about.

"The move blindsided traders including Qiao Changhe, who said his fund lost $700,000 because its hedging position on OKEx was abruptly closed at a level that didn’t reflect prevailing market prices."


BSV has 10% more hash than "BCH" bluffers now btw.

Status: rekt.
BCH split battle for which one is the true Bitcoin.
Now there is a battle to destroy XRP or name it the one real crypto.

"And when it will be clear the war is lost and all is near over they shall start showing fear and fight each other, we won't need to move a finger, they will just destory each other in the last moment" - Paul, chapter 1:11.
Nah jk I just made that sentence up, but I am sure a quote like this exists, there is a quote for everything.

Crypto crumbling apart.

Let's see if 0 is unrealistic in a year.
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

