
Why is it so important for regular people to invest in Cryptos?

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One has to wonder why people all want to know "when to invest in crypto's"
Not "Should I invest" but "when" and anyone that disagrees with that mindset is "butthurt because they missed out on crypto", and "just jealous of the masterminds that bought in 2013". The crypto culture mostly revolves around jokes about "how much you would have made if you invested in 2013" and people depressed they missed out.

So why?

Simple, because they are pure trash.

I did not know about Bitcoin back in 2013, I did not know about finance at all. I had no idea I could buy something and sell it later and make a profit.
I saw some ads for brokers when I was a teen and I even checked, well minimum deposit was always 10000$ and 1 transaction cost 10$ there was no way I could participate in that for the next decade. So I cannot compare my results since 2013, but there is no reason they would be different from the past year and my backtesting (I expect to make more actually).

So let us look at the numbers shall we.

If you bought during 2013 short bear market at 90/Bitcoin and you are this wonderboy, this "Mozart" of investing (but if you were you would be getting better results)
and you sold at the very top, at 19440$, your ROI would be 21500% over a period of 242 weeks on a small amount of money (of course this on tens of millions or more would be incredible but that was never possible).
Since 1.0224^242 = 213 (or 21300%), we know this increase represent a profit of 2.24% a week.
Really think it's that hard to make this weekly? That's 9% a month.

I quit trading and started doing research a few months ago when I started making less than 5% a week. I had 1 simple dumb strategy that mainly used RSI divergence on the daily chart, and markets stopped moving that much there still were opportunities but I had to do research anyway. It was really super simple I was being lazy really I had a script do everything for me and I beat "incredible" Bitcoin by a mile.

Really not that hard. And don't say you have to be patient and control yourself trading because it is the same with holding bit-con.

"Oh but those that bought in 2011 thought". Ok then let's check.

Let's look at this very realistic case:

Mozart multiplied his money by 21850 and of course he did not sell before the very top, and did not get greedy for more and is not holding anymore.
He just somehow timed it perfectly (yet cancer is still not cured and we have not heard of the best investor of all times wtf are you doing mozart?).
Mozart demi god turned $1000 into 22 million dollar. Wow not bad!

Mozart actually bought at THE VERY BOTTOM but $1000 was a big deal back then, so he pushed the price up.
If you look at MtGox volumes this makes sense:

Ok soooo, Mozart. The guy that bought the whole MtGox BTC supply on day 1 and sold at the very top.
That took about 365 weeks (since he bought from day one to 358 weeks back).
1.0277^365 = 21440.

So Mozart the Unicorn Wonderboy that bought all the supply day 1 and sold at the VERY TOP made 2.77% a week.

I am so much better than Mozart the Unicorn Wonderboy god of crypto investing.

This is why I focus on trading and would never consider investing in a ponzi scheme.

Mozart had ONE advantage thought: he did not have to pay tax (Bitcoin was really good for pedophiles drug lords and tax evaders when it was created). He probably ends up paying them thought.
I am actually really tired of looking at this ponzo. I just want to know how the movie ends. Stupid bagholders. Maine problem is miners that stop selling when the price goes to their cost. Idk maybe once difficulty increases that's when something happens.

This dumb market has been sideways for 600 months wtf. Bitcoin has been out for 10 years and did nothing, nearly the entire crypto space has the exact opposite curve to every successful new technology (price is supposed to go down as usage goes up for example).

You start being interested in a "revolution" and it's the slowest most boring thing you ever saw. This is like when I watch 5 seasons of Games of Thrones because "its so awesome" and "winter is coming anytime now just wait don't worry it's imminent" and nothing happens and I quit and apparently the end was as bad as the rest and nothing happened whole series. Hehe once again, a shitshow full of promises but nothing more.

Are people slow or something? Dead tech no one is using ==> does not move.
And sicne no one wants to buy and bagholders are praying every day ==> does not move either.

They will wait forever for the messiah so I guess when difficulty increases something happens... finally...

The difficulty increases little by little all the time but the next halving is not going to happen for another 500 days. It will have to move before that...
When I feel like it I will look at difficulty and try to figure when it will be too much for miners considering electricity price do not move etc.

I would like to thank dumb bagholders that told me how wrong I was and paid for Call of Duty® - Black Ops 4: Digital Deluxe Enhanced Edition

Downloading now. I am tired of looking at ded markets xd

Better just play 247 rather and look at markets once a week.

Some COD some LOL some...? idk. What do people with lots of free time even do.

I swear, if I was one of these morons I would have capitulated 100 times by now.
Arguing with crypto clowns <3

Anyone with a brain: "Tech is bad 10 years nothing happened iphone was successful on release day, other tech same story"

Crypto believer: "Bad example these tech were in development for years"

Anyone with a brain: "Iphone tech dev time: 5 years to adoption (day it was released). Bitcoin (blockchain) total dev time: 30 years, still waiting for more than 5 people to use it;"

Crypto believer: "Bit-con went up in price nothing else in the history of mankind did this ever"

Anyone with a brain: "Precise what you mean, what did nothing else price did in mankind history?"

Crypto believer: "you seem stuck on price"

This is the irl equivalent of being Iron IV at league of legends or Bronze prestige 1 at COD.


League of legends example

Anyone with a brain: "Dude you're godawful just learn to play"

Iron IV yasuo main: "I get a penta kill every day, I get the most horrible teams"

Anyone with a brain: "Dude you been in this disgusting elo for 4 years clearly there is something wrong with your gameplay"


Anyone with a brain: "Wtf dude you facetanked this Jax and died? You really htink you deserve to climb?"



Online multiplayer FPS:

Anyone with a brain: "A blind 5 year old can do better than Bronze prestige 1, the created the rank so the worse players could be above the very bottom and feel better, just get better."

Player with no hands: "You kidding me? I am supposed to climb when I get all these aimbots? I can own them so easilly if they don't cheat"

Anyone with a brain: "Dude this 'aimbot' as you call him literally stood in front of you for 5 seconds before firing"

Player with no hands: "No he did not you are lying! Plus this game is so broken I have to make sure I aim correctly before firing"


A semi marathon:

Anyone with a brain: "If you just walked you would finish can you not even do that?!"

Fat kid that did not even finish the race: "I have big bones and obesity runs into my family"

Anyone with a brain: "I think the problem is that no one runs into your family"

Fat kid that did not even finish the race: "How rude! I'll have you know that we can be healthy at every size and I exercise regularly"

Anyone with a brain: "But you can't even finish a race?"

Fat kid that did not even finish the race: "I'll have you know I starting having heart issues. Should I force myself and risk my life just to prove to haters like you I can do this?"

Anyone with a brain: "Wait what?"


2017-2018 crypto investors that are calling for 1 million and arguing with logic are the finance equivalent of a skinny fat person that calls himself strong and cannot do a single pushup,
the runner that finishes last, the gamer that cannot beat the lowest rank and finds excuses all the time and thinks he is great even thought you are t-bagging him all game long.
Today I learned that one of the main Bitcoin developers was a flat earthist.

Bitcoin is pretty popular in "chemtrails" and flat-earth communities.

Not even surprised...

I am waiting for Bit-con to drop below 5700$ to post my next idea (long) but that's taking so long...

I could do FX posts but I only do small moves there since it's so much more active than boring crypto's and I feel there's no point if no one watches them.

If I could give some advice to crypto traders, it would be:
1- Quit this pointless ponzi
2- Trade the DAX

Probably going to post about the german DAX soon, the chart is incredible.
Hedge fund manager Roy Niederhoffer is now accepting Bitcoin as payment for his multi-million mansion.

By the way, this guy thinks global warming is a global hoax :)

