
Heaven or hell?

Either we are dealing with an ascending triangle (bullish formation), or we may witness a retest of the rising wedge (bearish formation).

I am a man of honor. If the price of bitcoin stays above the green line for the next month, I will congratulate every bull, especially @jdo85 as I once promised him. I myself will probably change my bias to bullish.

Otherwise, well, you're screwed bulls....

Let's see how it develops.
Ok, as promised I officially congratulate @jdo85 and all the bulls. You were right and I was wrong.

Bitcoin refuses to fall and keeps pushing upwards. On the one hand, this is good for those who made money from this rally (I am not among them). On the other hand, I'm staying away from trading for now and waiting for further developments, because I'm still not fully convinced by this upward movement. I am waiting to see what the new year will bring.

