The **Tulip Mania** of the 1630s was the original bubble—and it was as absurd as it was dramatic. Picture this: a single tulip bulb sold for the price of a luxurious Amsterdam townhouse. Traders flipped tulips like hotcakes, fortunes were made overnight, and the humble flower became a symbol of outrageous wealth and speculation.
Then, in February 1637, the fever broke. Buyers disappeared faster than a Dutch winter thaw, and the market collapsed like a poorly built dike. Those who had mortgaged their futures for tulips were left with nothing but petals and regret. It was a dazzling rise and a catastrophic fall—a timeless lesson in the dangers of speculative greed!
Why do I write about the Tulip Crash?
These days, not many young Trader and Investors know about it. And why not learn from the past?
Happy profits all.