
VDO signals 4th Bitcoin Macro Bottom

The VDO has signaled it's 4th Bitcoin Macro Bottom:

Time will tell if "this time is different" but if history is to repeat again,
or even rhyme, then a new bull market in Bitcoin is afoot. The signal came
in very clearly at the close of the January 9th Weekly candle. Thank you
to my supporters who received early access to this signal at the close of that candle.
Remember that the VDO has not only signaled every Bitcoin Macro Bottom, it has also
signaled every Bitcoin Macro Top as well. The next thing to watch for on the VDO
is a signal to close out your long positions. This signal will arrive probably sometime
in 2025. So, we have a while to go.
For those of you who are not familiar with my work on the VDO oscillator, you can review my previous
posts describing what it is and how it works. You can also private message me for a link to a video
describing how it works and showing it in action. Thank you for your interest.
