
History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme ... BTC

yes, just like we shouldn't have had that mini bull run then, now we shouldn't have some dramatic crash either, but ... markets are irrational, so it could very well be that we see some ridiculous capitulation, although we shouldn't; we're at the lower trend line now, yes, but that doesn't have to be a problem

we're just below average now, that's not so bad

long term trend is still up, this is just what we call a dip and you know what they say about dips; buy them !!

no, don't go full in right now ... buy a bit, wait, maybe a bit more and keep watching it ... but I don't see any reason to assume we're actually in a bear market now, we're not; this is still a bull market, it's just that those bulls were overreacting, thus the price overheated, so now it has to cool down a bit ... that's all ...

keep buying small amounts weekly and hodl, you'll be fine

