This is a continuation of all my previous published ideas.
FUD is growing by the day as geopolitical tensions are building up. Taiwan is a great democratic threat to China and they need to shut this open source governance down soon. COVID is still a major issue and is not going away. Global supply chains have lost their efficiencies.
We are still in a cheap oil paradigm economy and an oil bullish squeeze is still at play even though oil has been shorted for the past month or so. The US' oil strategic reserves are needed to somewhat contain the inflation, but this is artificial.
Putin's and China's propaganda are at work. The western divisive right/left-wing media are at work. The ''weaponization'' of Federal Agencies is now viewed by some as the enemy of the people and this ''evil must be stopped''. The divisive social media bubbles are in full works and the US extreme right is talking about civil war as the country is ''under siege''. This is a dangerous erosion for all fragile democracies.
Humanity is on the brink of war and facing famine. Global warming is cooking up fast on the back burner. Permafrost melting and methane emissions will take over all human CO2 emissions 80x fold and there are less than 7 years for humans to ''change'' that current directory!
Open-source governance is the required democratic paradigm shift (g0v) and useful Crypto (less than 50 for sure) can help boot out all this FUD. I hope next-gen wakes up and finally realizes it has all the power in its own hands.