
Demystifying crypto; how to trade it without being stolen from

Ultimately there's no need for channels and wedges and such to even be penciled in here since the cycles clearly boil down to some simple ground rules...

1. If you're being encouraged to buy in the red or sell in the blue by anyone with alleged "tenure" then you're speaking to a thief;
2. Forget aiming for the all-time-highs or pico bottoms with any kind of precision and just _keep it simple_;
3. Capitulation comes thick and fast but greed lasts for a while so if in doubt buy in generous chunks and trickle out;
4. The cycles have simmered down massively from "innovator" -> "early adopter" -> "early majority" so anything above 5x for the "late majority" phase is a bonus

The bottom line... don't be too surprised if there's a final WWIII capitulation wick still incoming and _definitely_ don't let them trick you into selling there

