Weakness on BTCUSD appeared using Volume Trend Analysis

After a great signal to enter long at at 6219, BTC flipped to weakness a bit ago and target stall point is right about here. (7305) This area could show some support to prices moving down further. If we do close below this area we can expect prices to fall to the next stall point. This can change depending on the Volume Trend Analysis and strength coming in.

If the area is broken and held below the stopping point is a bit away at 6762.

For those that don't know how we get our indications, we use our own Volume Trend Analysis and Smart Volume Analysis (Not shown on the chart)

The Volume Trend Advisor (The red and green indications on the chart) indicates in real-time and cannot repaint as it uses closed price and volume analysis to determine likely changes in direction/trend. The Green icon = Strength/Long and the Red icon = Weakness/Short. The indicator is available on Trading View and if you have any questions regarding this fairly simple and accurate method of volume analysis, please visit our website at signaltosignal.com to learn more.

Please also visit some of our other ideas to see how well this method of analysis works to identify likely trend changes in advance. It works on any chart and time-frame as well.
Stall point/support area mentioned above was breached. 7305. Please refer to comments above for more information and levels that we spoke about.
BTCBTCUSDCryptocurrencyTrend AnalysisvolumespreadanalysisvolumetrendadvisorvolumetrendanalysisVSA
