
Cryptocurrency News - Who's accurate and Who's not? - BTCUSD

BlockTechEv 已更新   
Hello Friends in Trading

I've been playing with an idea, but it's going to take days to complete. Lots of hours and work will have to go into it, so first I want to determine if there is a demand for my idea.
I want to do a thorough analysis of some of the top names that always pop up in the news bar on the side. Often you'll have one article saying " BITCOIN IS GOING UP" and the very next one will be saying "BITCOIN IS GOING DOWN". Which one is more accurate based on past performance and past predictions? This is what I would like to determine.

I will do an analysis if I can get 15 and more likes. This will show me that there is a demand, and then it will be worth the time it will take.

Please share in the comment section if you have specific sites (mainstream) you would like for me to look at.

{and please, don't take this idea, I am claiming it as MINE so don't now go and steal it (coughcoughtoptraders...)}

Yours in Crypto,
Thank you to the community for showing your interest and support, I will begin working on it. I believe it will be ready before the week's end. I will post another comment here as soon as it is done, and then I will do the analysis in a new post.
Hello Friends in Trading. A heads up that the first part in the series "Cryptocurrency News - Who's accurate and Who's not?" will be released today! Keep an eye out for them and follow me to get notified as I publish.

It has proven to be a lengthy task taking many hours so please share your support by hitting like, commenting or cheering me if you so see fit. Many thanks! Yours in Trading, Ev
Just a quick update guys I have posted the first article on ambcrypto but it automatically went red, I'm waiting to hear from a moderator why the post is hidden. I truly hope it is only a technical difficulty! Stay tuned
Hi guys, I had this awesome idea but it's not getting past the moderators for some reason 😒 But thanks for showing your support for the idea!
