
BTC big momentum shift taking place, 14% gain ahead

I've observed significant momentum divergence in the recent waves of BTC and altcoins. We saw a couple of them pop yesterday and make big spikes (BCH, ACH, SHIB). Similarly, the bullish momentum gap must be filled across multiple coins. BTC is also displaying such a gap. I expect this week to produce that long candle wick we expect during a move such as this. This current wave down is much faster than the others, which means it will revert as quickly and with even more force.

36.6k is the absolute bottom based on my analysis. We are now in an area to go long on BTC once the confirmation is there, and we will have it today. The confirmation comes when we start making higher lows and highs, and we will see that happening through all cryptos. I analyze about 100 cryptos to get a feel of this direction each day. BTC will hold the bottom until all the lagging cryptos catch up. Then they will start to move together up. I'm seeing that now. Also, the leading cryptos are beginning to make bigger waves and bullish moves.

Not trading advice, trade with caution.

Momentum is your friend. Think beyond the box, expand your reality and you will be ahead of the trend.
