
Chances of BTC for stabilizing

All the crypto markets experienced quite a shock with a dramatic sell-off over the weekend, which lead to the BTC prices to go down decisively under $4,000. Lows on November 24 reached $3,795.16 - levels not seen since the end of September 2017, when China's ban on exchanges made prices to drop under $4,000.

At the moment, BTC price has formed a bottom area range from $3700-500, a breach would send price down towards $3000.
The price movements has slowed down over the past two days, the range has been. It is hardly believed that the first cryptocurrency has seen the botton by market cap.
Technically, the near-term bottom that has formed around the $3700-500 range, is vital support.

At the moment, there is a belief that BTC price stopped falling at least for the next 24 hours and my small prediction that it will keep the price in the $ 3800 range more or less.
