We have seen BTC rally hard for the past couple of months but we havn't seen a of new money enter the market.
The best example of this is simply to look at the alt-coins, all of these have seen huge losses as BTC has been going up suggesting that BTCs rise is only because of money moving out of the Alt-coins and into BTC.
What's your point I hear you ask?
BTC appears to be slowing down in terms of bullishness. Volume is down and when it has broken the previous high this last couple of times it has sold off pretty quickly only making tiny gain north.
Why can't it keep doing this?
Well it can, there's no reason for people to just keep selling their alts and buying BTC in the hope that it keeps going up.
But I think where about to see BTC correct pretty hard and money to start flowing back into Alts.
Alot of Alts are dirt cheap right now, the likely hood of seeing 100% gains is more likely from one of those if the money flows back into them rather than continuing to buy BTC where you might be lucky to make a few %.
Just my two cents, take it as you will.