
November 11 BTCUSD BingX Chart Analysis and Today's Headline

BingX’s Bitcoin Chart

With the outbreak of the FTX liquidity collapse event, major cryptocurrencies are facing the crisis of Lehman storm. Cryptocurrencies extended their sharp decline yesterday. But as Asian markets opened, Bitcoin climbed back above $16,000. The release of better-than-expected inflation data at the same time caused a sharp rebound in Bitcoin to near $17,000. The continuation of this round of cryptocurrency rally still needs to be carefully observed.

Today’s Cryptocurrency Headline

Shell Plans to Launch a Liquid-Cooling Solution for Bitcoin Miners Next Year

Shell, one of the world's largest oil and gas companies, will kick off its Bitcoin mining initiative at the 2023 conference in Miami, where the company will showcase its new liquid-cooling solution aimed at improving the bitcoin mining industry, according to Bitcoin Magazine.

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