
Mars Retrograde: Financial Astrology

According to a friend of mine, the fact that Mars went retrograde recently, while other planets are also retrograde, will produce a period of slowness for Bitcoin and the financial markets in general.

It is said that this period will be a period of retrospection and everything is likely to slow down. Moving forward fast, as it was happening until recently, will no longer be possible.

Mars move direct again late February 2025.

Please keep in mind that between late 2022 and early 2023 Mars was also retrograde and the markets went very slow. As soon as Mars went direct in January 2023, Bitcoin shot up.

We are expecting similar dynamics for this upcoming Mars cycle. The speed which we were witnessing is taking a pause, and we will back in full growth mode when the retrograde is over in just a few months. Perfect timing for a period of consolidation.

Jupiter, Mercury and Uranus are also retrograde.

By March 2025, all these planets will be direct. Expect a bullish explosion very similar to 2023 but many times stronger; the end of the retrograde cycle for these major planets.

Thank you for reading.


