
Dynamic condition of selling bitshares

Historical interrelationship of bitshares and btc is as you see, if it is alt season, bitshares tend to finish the third wave when btc does and btc in this bull market tend to finish the third wave on 115k, as easy as hell
So now we know when to sell without knowing the price, i hope that price of bitshares is going to be 3.9 when btc is 115k and you don't know that this condition can be applied on xrp so on xrp wait for this condition and not those prices like 14, in my opinion xrp can go much higher than the extensions can offer
If you know the price of selling bitshares higher than ATH then tell me (3 in this alt season)
I am in a journey of archiving 400X_2KX in this alt season
Only entertainment
One love
