Beyond Meat, Inc.

$BYND - Best Iron Condor

SELL -1 IRON CONDOR BYND 100 (Weeklys) 7 AUG 20 130/140/130/120 CALL/PUT @8.32 LMT

In this case I want to sell the Iron Condor.

1. IVP - 47%
2. IV earnings is - 158%
3. Normal IV - 70-80%
4. R/R = $173 Risk to $322 Reward

Trade done for a hefty $832 credit, on a $1000 wide contract.

ALL you need is tomorrow this should open between 120 - 140. If it doesn't you lose $173. If it does, you are profitable and leg out.

This is the only scenario I like selling Iron Condor.
If you are on Think or Swim Copy paste this.
SELL -1 IRON CONDOR BYND 100 (Weeklys) 7 AUG 20 130/140/130/120 CALL/PUT @8.32 LMT
Iron I have is SOLD -1 IRON CONDOR BYND 100 (Weeklys) 7 AUG 20 134/144/134/124 CALL/PUT @8.41 CBOE

As this is rallying. I am going to be making adjustment today prior to earning.

Aiming to collect more credit and widen out the Iron.

Right now, its almost at $3+ / contract.

SELL -2 VERTICAL BYND 100 (Weeklys) 7 AUG 20 138/134 PUT @2.00 LMT
SELL -2 VERTICAL BYND 100 (Weeklys) 7 AUG 20 144/148 CALL @1.35 LMT

Execute both. Neting 8.41+2.00+1.35 = 11.67 (Max Risk = 224)
If you have the original trade I posted. Create a similar roll.

SELL -2 VERTICAL BYND 100 (Weeklys) 7 AUG 20 134/130 PUT @1.75 LMT
SELL -2 VERTICAL BYND 100 (Weeklys) 7 AUG 20 140/144 CALL @1.62 LMT

You can do something like this - the credit wont change much thanks to high IV.
Earnings reported - As long as it trades tomorrow between 134 and 139, you are in the best shape.

With all the adjustment and the credits received. 128-144 profitable. So manage accordingly.

This might go down to 120, there is not enough excitement here in the market action. if it happens, close the winning side and wait for the retracement to close the other side.

Closed for $200 per contract in profit. Entire position is done.

As expected the volatility drop was huge. Almost 70 points dropped.
If you had my original iron condor short at @130. Thats @$300 gain exit now.

