
CHK Reversal in the works? LONG is the answer

Earnings tomorrow and my dowsing and intuitive work led me to this one. I have indications of a longer term trend reversal. It may dip first, but should be bought.
If any of you know anyone doing kooky stuff like this, please send em my way.

I'm just gonna guess they don't lose as much as expected or some kinda good news, hang on tight! Could be a fun ride.
This sure isn't what I expected.
I did the reading 2 days before earnings by mistake, thinking they were the next day. That may have screwed with the results because I usually like to "read" within 1 day, or even hours from the release.
Regardless, I still have that this thing is gonna reverse. It's ugly and it might be 2 more days, but could get to $.77, maybe more in the longer term as I get the message of a longer term reversal of trend.
$.30 is a symmetry support, tho it seems to want to go to zero lol.
I think tomorrow 2/28 is the day for this thing. It might get to .23 and I feel VERY strongly this will have a short squeeze and we'll be RICH! (jk)
She's coming to life!!
Ok, this is going to take a little time. I still like it and expect a reversal up. It seems like it could be some kinda news event and the date I'm getting is 3/10-11. I'm assuming that's this year. LOL. I hope!

