Why Crude Oil is Trending Higher Again, Breaking Above US$100
In this tutorial, I will explain both its fundamental and technical reasons for crude oil likely to break above and stay above US$100.
I am having two portfolios at all times, one for long-term investing and the other for short-term trading. For the long-term I am mindful the current global inflationary pressure is real and it may last many months or even years ahead.
Therefore, my current investment mandate: • U.S. stock markets – To trade them • Commodities – To buy them Disclaimer: • What presented here is not a recommendation, please consult your licensed broker. • Our mission is to create lateral thinking skills for every investor and trader, knowing when to take a calculated risk with market uncertainty and a bolder risk when opportunity arises. For your reference: NYMEX Crude Oil $0.01 = US$10
Example: From $94.00 to $100.00 (10000-9400) x US$10 = US$6,000