Germany 30

Dax and EU markets against US markets

dax30 is in green , sp500 in blue , dji30 in red . dow is up 500pips in 5 days (slow and steady up 100pips/day) .
CNBC, Blomberg ... all agree that US markets are going in the wrong direction (up) .
But maybe the uptrend in US markets is taking account of future developments like :
- civil unrest in EU due to so many migrants ,
- ECB will stop printing money ,
- ECB will increase the interest rate ,
- even if in the next years , tax/healthcare reform in US will came ,
- and who knows what other reason ...
If us is still going up then EU will follow .
To close the gap between them either US markets will go down or EU markets will go up or both .
So maybe its time for dax to go up .
Last week(s) when dji had spiked down quickly recover then again on the uptrend .
Except on the last night dji (future) opening it was a spike up then quickly recover back down . Same kind of move in last 10 minutes ( from 22000 to 22030 and quickly back to 22000 ) .
Even if there is not a downtrend perhaps that is a sign that is no more ups .
dax is up and US almost flat . So the trend difference between dax and dji had shrink from over 1300pips down to 1200pips . Still US markets are not in a downtrend as everybody expected .
Perhaps US will drag dax up too so buy dax for tp1=12400 and tp2=12500 .
Who needs nukes when we have hurricane Harvey , Irma , Jose ...

