
Upward Doge

Incogniteaux 已更新   
The trendline I've been watching has held strong. The jumps have been less pronounced, but that just means that this is cooling down into a period of steadier gains because of cooler heads.

One thing that I believe we may see happen is a huge step upward.

Reason: If the fed and the HFs screw with the GME and AMC short squeezes, trust in the markets will disintegrate instantly. People will dump into crypto en masse. It's exactly what happened when Robinhood halted buying on GME. People dumped and DOGE bounced to its second-highest high ever. If they do it again, DOGE will explode upward. If not, we'll see a steady climb from here.

Either way I believe the debacle with the short squeeze has eroded trust in the markets that the FED et al can control and crypto has become more attractive than ever.

Trend is holding!
