
To Coin Or Not To Coin

Hello, and welcome back to HankGamez47's profile. Today's subject is on Coins. Ah yes, the notorious Coins. Anyway, the Coins (For example if your a new trader Bitcoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, ect.) are a type of currency that you can "mine" with a computer. NOW JUST WAIT A FAT SECOND. Don't go on your computer and look up, "how do I mine Coins". Because it 1st of all: Takes a LONG time to actually make some currency or money. 2nd of all: You need to be a computer genius to do this stuff. 3rd and finally: I'm pretty sure you need a bunch of equipment to do this "mining". And no, they are not able to buy things using it unless you live in a state that has a store that excepts the currency. Now I'm no genius so I can't do this because. I'm 11 years old and I'm still learning everyday. In the link I'll leave some more of my Coin "ideas". So follow me and well thats it. Goodbye!
