
Major currency comparison

TVC:DXY   美元指数
Here is the table for the major currency comparision on different time periods.


Long Opportunity: (1) EURGBP, (2) EURUSD, (3) EURCHF
Short Opportunity: (1)GBPJPY, (2) GBPCAD, (3) USDJPY or NZDUSD

Trading the EUR/GBP and EURUSD giving the strong performance both on daily and weekly basis and we see that from the table all the EUR pairs did very well within this 6 months, achieving 11.67% for EURUSD, followed by EURGBP 9.49%, EURJPY 8% and EURCHF 7.07%. If there are more fundamental news supporting Euro, all EUR pairs will still have room to continue its Bullish trend.

Trading the GBPJPY, NZDUSD, USDSEK and GBPUSD currently giving that a short opportunity. GBPJPY provides the best pair for short position as (I) BOE remains I.R & Cut growth forecast making all pound pair plunges and (2) geopolitical risks pushing JPY even higher.

