EDELTEQ, can it be the next dark horse?

Possible for stochastic to stay OB and swing higher?

Oh hell yeah, some traders hate OB area, on the contradiction, I love OB as big money always come from there.
Let monitor the new few days' movement.

>> ROC seems like has positive divergence.
>> Monitor for the potential shoot up when stochastic stay OB during the PB.

When the market moves where, and how, and if - these are all unknown. The only thing which we can control is our risk. Focus on risk management!

Keep the long term vision.

Disclaimer: Mentioned stocks are solely based on own opinions for education and/or discussion purpose only. There's no buy and/or sell recommendation. Trading involve financial risk on your own. The author shall not be responsible for any losses or lost profits resulting from investment decisions based on the use of the information contained herein.
