
I Have Learned Alot by Losing.......

I started my learning at the beginning of last year. I was working at a job I hated. I was tired, and I realized that no company or government would take care of me in my winter years. I became fearful.......and angry. Man was I angry. I had to do something, so I turned to stocks. I took a small account of $300.00 and doubled it to $600.00 (this was when the market was still booming). Once the first real pullback happened, I lost. My loses have taught me more about the market than winning did. I forced myself to understand the basics of stocks in general (something I did not do before, and honestly I'm surprised I didn't blow my first account).

Losing made me step back, and look at why I was losing. After months of wrecking my brain, and almost giving up it hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized I had no real strategy for jumping into a stock. I am slowly but surely developing a strategy that has resulted in positive gains, and a higher success rate. If you are thinking about quitting.....DON'T!! The market will provide wealth if you learn how it works. Keep failing forward, but most importantly learn from your mistakes. Stay green out there guys, and good luck on Monday.
